The Sunflower, 1929-1930, no.26, April 30, 1930

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Wall, Hugo, 1901-1975 , Gracey, Frank , Scabbard and Blade , Student Council -- Constitution , Student Council elections , Student Day
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.22, no.26, Wichita, Kansas, April 30, 1930. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Cast is selected for play: 'The servant in the house' will be given May 15th, 16th -- Three pass test for master's degree -- Make rapid progress on new W.U. building -- Install national chapter: Scabbard and Blade first secret fraternity on W.U. campus -- Students turn down a new constitution -- Dr. Branch elected president of State Academy of Science -- Bulletin boards to be in library hall -- Journalism studes edit Monday issue of Wichita Beacon -- Students replace W.U. instructors -- Name ten as honor students -- Julius Simonet head of Phi Epsilon Phi -- Barbs enter ticket in student election for first time -- Beginning students in journalism edit this issue of paper -- Paper read by wall at Texas convention -- Scholarship contest is held in Wichita -- To crown queen on May 21st -- Geology students visit fossil beds -- Project method of education taught in W.U. classes -- Amateur movies as thrilling as Turkey Day football game -- Another W.U. prof is former minister -- W.U. art teacher sees oldest house in United States -- Wichita artist shows ancient manuscripts -- Campus society: Alpha Gam hosts at formal dinner dance Saturday; Nuptial dates set of W.U. misses; Phi Sigma Upsilon entertains guests at spring formal -- Manning takes second at Drake relays; Wichita U. swamps Quakers -- Shockers march to easy victory over West side rivals -- Shockers to Emporia for quad track tilt
Photograph(s): Preside over campus May Day fete: Miss Georgette Tyndale and Otis Schweiter, who were elected last Wednesday to preside as May Queen and Chancellor over the May day fete at the University of Wichita May 17. Miss Tyndale and Schweiter are outstanding students at the University, both being members of the honor five for this year. Miss Tyndale also is editor of Parnassus. p. 1 -- Bride of Friday: Miss Maxine Bailey, Pi Kappa Psi, will become the bride of Elmer Pierce at a ceremony to be held Friday evening, May 2, in the College Hill Methodist Church. p. 3 -- Dash and hurdle stars in action against Friends: The upper picture shows Forward, fleet Shocker dashman, barely nosing out King, his teammate, in the 200-yard dash in the annual dual track meet between University of Wichita and Friends. The lower picture shows Shaft, Rennick, and Harness, Shocker hurdlers going over the sticks almost together. Harness won this race. p. 4
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.22 no.26
PubMed ID