The Sunflower, v.59, no.07 (October 28, 1954)

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College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , College of Adult Education , Alpha Kappa Psi , Audio-Visual Center , College of Business , Homecoming , Master's degrees , Morrison Library -- Heimple Browsing Room
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.59, no.7, Wichita, Kansas, October 28, 1954. - 12 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Army color guard to lead parade; floats to follow -- Regents to rule on HE building -- Play opens tonight at 8 -- Dean Rydjord to attend graduate study meet -- Homecoming fire to singe Cougar -- Booster trip 'howling' success for travelers -- Seniors must sign degree cards now -- LA students miss tests -- 'Girls of Memory' to be band salute -- Prof to pick best growth -- Award scholars top ten honors -- Beacon reporter speaks to scribes -- Press Club initiates 3 -- Attend Topeka meet -- Dean's notes and quotes: He hears excuses galore / Dr. L. Hekhuis -- Communism menaces free world, says lie / Sara Goeller -- Russian concessions, changes guides for western world / Ed Andreopoulos -- Block thrown at college ball; Says sports, books don't mix -- To report on election -- Late scholars barred -- Six are pledged in open rush -- Social groups honor alums -- Education in formal dress boosts co-eds to 'A' rating -- Sloan, Roberts betrothal told -- Greeks attend KISA conclave -- WU's past year marked by growth: Academic improvements strengthen curriculum; New physical facilities added others; on tap -- An editorial: Added inspiration -- AE college has 3 jobs -- Audio-visual unit grows -- Variety seen in homecomings: Men outnumber women this year: For alumni: A quick reunion program -- Hard work involved in parade -- Enrollment at all-time high -- Busy Saturday is scheduled for President Corbin, family -- Blood donation: Trophy to be given in drive -- Frat added on campus -- Auditions to be held -- 584 delegates at press meet -- Parnassus: pics schedule ends -- To give party at Logopedics -- Cougars sharpen claws for WU: Homecoming day clash to decide Valley lead -- Mural play in 4th week -- Aggies rifle team nips WU shooters -- Detroit Univ. looms as new MVC title threat -- 'Jims' lead WU scorers -- Shocker's lash proves fatal to grid opponents / Daryle Klassen -- New programs: KMUW airs series -- IBM system saves time -- Marsh, AEDean [sic], to be on panel -- Ford research gives foreign study stipends -- New officers: Radio guild meets -- Cadets to choose squad sweethearts -- Clark Back inducted
Photograph(s): Busy weekend: Events of the Denver booster trip are pictured above. Two tired coeds catching a few winks of sleep are shown in the upper left while the upper right shot shows WU students gathering for the pre-game pep rally. The center left picture shows the group boarding the Denver bus for the trip from the depot to the hotel. Lower left photo shows a part of the WU fans cheering at the game while the lower right picture reveal the students in the job of packing and carrying luggage for the long trip home. p. 1 -- Voting procedure: Voters of the Homecoming Queen election are shown receiving their ballots from Student Council members working at the election. The Homecoming Queen will be announced during the half-time ceremonies at the Homecoming game. p. 2 -- Sippy is tackled: Jim Sippy, Shocker halfback, is shown trying to shake a Denver tackler in last Friday night's loss to the Pioneers, 27-14. p. 11 -- Sippy tackles: The diminutive Shocker back shows his worth on the defense as well as offense in the Denver clash. p. 11
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.59 no.7
PubMed ID