2017-03-27 Faculty Senate meeting
Faculty Senate
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Wichita State University , Faculty Senate , Shared governance , Meeting Agenda , Meeting minutes
Faculty Senate. Agenda and minutes of the meeting of March 27, 2017. -- Faculty Senate Meetings, 2016-2017, v.30
Table of Contents
Agenda: (President's report) -- (Committee reports): a. Rules Committee / Carolyn Shaw -- (New business): a. WSU/WATC Affiliation HLC Change of Control Application, first reading / Rick Muma and Tony Vizzini -- b. Student Concerns on transparency and shared governance: i. Taben Azad, We the Students -- ii. Teri Hall, Vice President for Student Affairs
Attachments: Affiliation between WSU and WATS Change of Control Application, May 1, 2017 / WSU; WATC -- Data on 'instructors' (i.e. adjuncts) / David Wright
Minutes: Summary of action: 1. Accepted appointment of LAS Humanities representative Rebeccah Bechtold to the Library Appeals Committee -- 2. Accepted appointment of University Libraries representative Mary Walker, LAS Social Sciences representative Jeff Jarman, and LAS Humanities representative Fran Connor to the Academic Affairs Committee -- 3. Accepted appointment of Health Professions representative Kim Darden and Education representative (alternate) Frank Rokosz to the Academic Appeals Committee -- 4. Accepted appointment of Health Professions representative Caleb Ediger, LAS Natural Sciences representative Daowei Ma, and Education representative SoonChun Lee to the Faculty Affairs Committee -- 5. Accepted appointment of University Libraries representative Meghann Kukhlmann, LAS Natural Sciences representative Paul Rillema, and Business representative Mehmet Barut to the Faculty Support Committee -- 6. Accepted appointment of Engineering representative Pingfeng Wang, Basic Skills representative Becky Nordyke, Business representative Chris Broberg, and LAS Social Sciences representative Shirlene Small to the General Education Committee -- 7. Accepted appointment of LAS Humanities representative Robert Feleppa, Education representative Michelle Adler, and Fine Arts representative Kelly St. Pierre to the Library Committee -- 8. Accepted appointment of Business representative Dotty Harpool, Universities Library representative Faye O'Reilly, Engineering representative Rajiv Bagai, Health Professions representative Trish Self, and LAS Social Science representative to the Rules Committee -- 9. Accepted appointment of University Libraries representative Lizzy Walker, Engineering representative Abu Asaduzzaman, and LAS Social Sciences representative Dan Close to the Scholarship and Student Aid Committee -- 10. Accepted appointment of Business representative Anthony May, Fine Arts representative Jennifer Ray, Health Professions representative Kelly Anderson, and LAS Humanities representative Susan Sterret to the Undergraduate Research Committee -- 11. Accepted appointment of Fine Arts representative Kirsten Johnson and LAS Humanities representative Brigitte Roussel to the Admissions/Exceptions Committee -- 12. Accepted - Revisions to the membership of the Faculty Support Committee -- (President's report): 1. KBOR: i. KU med school requested multi-year/multi-institution contracts -- ii. WSU-WATC Affiliation -- iii. AP Cut scores will be revisited after the1st year -- 2. A diversity statement for ads on job searches was provided by Jean Griffith from the Tilford Commission -- 3. Dr. John Tomblin's YMCA presentation to the faculty senate will be April 10 -- 4. Proposed state budget may include a 2% across the board raise for state employees -- (Committee reports): 1. Rules Committee: Nominations -- 2. presented lecturer appointments across the institution -- 3. Proposed limiting membership on the Faculty Support Committee to exclude chairs and directors -- (New business): 1. WSU/WATC Affiliation HLC Change of Control Application, 1st reading / Senior Associate VP Muma, Provost Vizzini, and WATC President Sheree Utash
Attachments: Affiliation between WSU and WATS Change of Control Application, May 1, 2017 / WSU; WATC -- Data on 'instructors' (i.e. adjuncts) / David Wright
Minutes: Summary of action: 1. Accepted appointment of LAS Humanities representative Rebeccah Bechtold to the Library Appeals Committee -- 2. Accepted appointment of University Libraries representative Mary Walker, LAS Social Sciences representative Jeff Jarman, and LAS Humanities representative Fran Connor to the Academic Affairs Committee -- 3. Accepted appointment of Health Professions representative Kim Darden and Education representative (alternate) Frank Rokosz to the Academic Appeals Committee -- 4. Accepted appointment of Health Professions representative Caleb Ediger, LAS Natural Sciences representative Daowei Ma, and Education representative SoonChun Lee to the Faculty Affairs Committee -- 5. Accepted appointment of University Libraries representative Meghann Kukhlmann, LAS Natural Sciences representative Paul Rillema, and Business representative Mehmet Barut to the Faculty Support Committee -- 6. Accepted appointment of Engineering representative Pingfeng Wang, Basic Skills representative Becky Nordyke, Business representative Chris Broberg, and LAS Social Sciences representative Shirlene Small to the General Education Committee -- 7. Accepted appointment of LAS Humanities representative Robert Feleppa, Education representative Michelle Adler, and Fine Arts representative Kelly St. Pierre to the Library Committee -- 8. Accepted appointment of Business representative Dotty Harpool, Universities Library representative Faye O'Reilly, Engineering representative Rajiv Bagai, Health Professions representative Trish Self, and LAS Social Science representative to the Rules Committee -- 9. Accepted appointment of University Libraries representative Lizzy Walker, Engineering representative Abu Asaduzzaman, and LAS Social Sciences representative Dan Close to the Scholarship and Student Aid Committee -- 10. Accepted appointment of Business representative Anthony May, Fine Arts representative Jennifer Ray, Health Professions representative Kelly Anderson, and LAS Humanities representative Susan Sterret to the Undergraduate Research Committee -- 11. Accepted appointment of Fine Arts representative Kirsten Johnson and LAS Humanities representative Brigitte Roussel to the Admissions/Exceptions Committee -- 12. Accepted - Revisions to the membership of the Faculty Support Committee -- (President's report): 1. KBOR: i. KU med school requested multi-year/multi-institution contracts -- ii. WSU-WATC Affiliation -- iii. AP Cut scores will be revisited after the1st year -- 2. A diversity statement for ads on job searches was provided by Jean Griffith from the Tilford Commission -- 3. Dr. John Tomblin's YMCA presentation to the faculty senate will be April 10 -- 4. Proposed state budget may include a 2% across the board raise for state employees -- (Committee reports): 1. Rules Committee: Nominations -- 2. presented lecturer appointments across the institution -- 3. Proposed limiting membership on the Faculty Support Committee to exclude chairs and directors -- (New business): 1. WSU/WATC Affiliation HLC Change of Control Application, 1st reading / Senior Associate VP Muma, Provost Vizzini, and WATC President Sheree Utash
Wichita State University
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Wichita State University Faculty Senate Archives