The Sunflower, v.46, no.26 (March 20, 1941)

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College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.46, no.26, Wichita, Kansas, March 20, 1941. - 4 pages.
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Newsman is advocate of English aid -- Art director in Washington -- Army asks changes to aviation program -- Wilner will select cast for next play -- Debate meeting takes Shockers to K.U. campus -- 'Bowler Hat' is winning drama -- Fear records lost in Manhattan fire -- R.O.T.C. band to play at next convo -- Music students are guests here -- Students to see coalition fights -- Campaign to aid China in education of students -- Braly announces cap-gown plans -- Spring weather speeds activity of R.O.T.C. unit -- Webb, Crum selected in 'Y' selection -- Picture contest deadline nears -- Nine will attend club conference -- Dennett to attend convention at K.C. -- Original music by students is basis for Varsity Show -- I.S.A. will send ten to national meet at Austin -- Barrett to test music students -- DeMolay will honor five university men -- Marine Corps asks for more officers -- Health service to study diets -- Big audiences hear British aid concert -- Facing the issue -- University bulletin -- Oliver's travels -- Typed on a Wednesday / Fred Higginson -- Blue Key leading drive to uncover track talent -- Hollowell is chairman -- Grad gossip: Dinner for Agar sponsored by alumni -- Phi Lambda Psi actives honored at pledge party -- Cabinet being made -- I.S.A. men arrange for dinner party -- Phi Sig members entertain dates at supper affair -- Students discuss task of churches -- Gamma mothers have bridge party -- Roundabout the campus / Josie College -- Estes delegates to be selected by committee -- Y.W.C.A. cabinet attends meeting -- Seniors to visit campus -- University Dames feature talk on flower gardens -- First track meet will be held Monday -- Gammas win over Holyoke to take 1941 cage title -- Smoking ruled out -- Trackmen await intramural meet set for Friday -- Seven champions win in wrestling -- Charley horse chatter / Bill Mandle -- W.U. rifle team wins at Kemper -- Sunflower all-intramural teams -- Golf and tennis men meet -- Calhoun is new ping pong champ
Photograph(s): Agar to speak: Herbert Agar, author and newspaper man, will address the Student Forum in the university auditorium on March 26 on the topic, "Foreign Trade vs. Economic Nationalism." p. 1 -- Barrett directs Varsity Show cast: Last minute rehearsals for the 1941 Varsity Show which opens in the university auditorium tomorrow night are directed here by James H. Barrett, producer of the show which stars the men's glee club. p. 1 -- Hippodrome heads practice roles: Bob Hollowell and petite Alma Louise Gray practice their parts as the giant genie and the thief Abdul for their forthcoming performance as the master and mistress of ceremonies in the Hippodrome carnival to be held in the university auditorium, March 28. The theme of the show will feature a take-off on the picture, "The Thief of Bagdad." p. 1 -- Elliott. p. 2 -- Higginson. p. 2 -- Simpson in army: H. Burns Simpson, a 1940 graduate, has received his wings as a graduate from the air corps of Kelley Field, Tex. The graduation ceremony of the largest class to receive wings in the history of Kelly and Brooks Fied was held at Kelly Field Post Theater on March 14. Mr. Simpson was a graduate of the College of Liberal Arts, and a member of Alpha Gamma Gamma fraternity. Before graduation the officers who had been trained at Randolph Field received advanced training which included 70 hours of formation, instrument flying and navigation flying day and night. This completed a training course of 200 or more hours of flying. p. 2 -- New Y.W. head: Norma Webb, junior, is the newly-elected president of the Y.W.C.A. The election was held Wednesday morning. p. 3 -- Milady greets the spring: March winds bring April showers and also the oh, so necessary accoutrements of a spring wardrobe, namely a new hat. The local lassies are Mary Barclay, Faye Elledge, Harriet Porter, and Dot Gray. p. 3 -- Backs drive: Coach Al Gebert, director of athletics, has given his approval to the Blue Key drive to increase the turnout of track candidates. p. 4 -- Mandle. p. 4
"W.S.S.F. says - Friends are scarce today Contribute now and give friendly China a break"
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.46 no.26
PubMed ID