2001-09-10 Faculty Senate meeting
Faculty Senate
Issue Date
Shared governance document
Wichita State University , Faculty Senate , Shared governance , Meeting Agenda , Meeting minutes
Faculty Senate. Agenda and minutes of the meeting of September 10, 2001. -- Faculty Senate Meetings, 2001-2002, v.15
Table of Contents
Agenda: (Informal statements and proposals) -- (President's report) -- (Committee reports) -- (New business): A. Tenure & Promotion Calendar date changes for the VP AAR -- B. Employee Discount Program / Mike Turner & Anita Kirkpatrick -- C. Use of Cell Phones &/or Pagers in Class
Minutes: Summary of action: 1. Confirmed the following as Senators: Nan Myers, Library (1yr), Phil May, Accountancy (2yrs) & David Hiltner, Art & Design (1 yr) -- 2. Accepted the following appointments to Faculty Senate Committees: Academic Affairs - Hussein Hamdeh, Jeff Quirin; Court of Academic Appeals - Syed Taher (full), Larry Blocher & Roy Myose (alternates); Exceptions - Scott Goldy; Faculty Affairs - Don Malzahn, Mel Kahn; Faculty Support - JoLynne Campbell, Hyuck Kwon, Dwight Murphey; General Education - Jodi Messer; Honors - Diane Huntley; Library - Tim Pett; Scholarship & Student Aid - Jackie Dillon -- 3. Accepted a change to the Tenure & Promotion Calendar -- (Informal statements and proposals): Senate's congratulations on the birth of his baby twins to Senator Russell / President Carroll -- Request that the Academic Operations Council consider a later drop day for 4-week summer classes / Senator Klunder -- Parking lot repair costs / Senator Murphey -- (President's report): Past President Klunder discussed June BOR meeting: Collaboration Degree Model accepted -- President Carroll reported on meeting with NORAD -- Announcement of General Education and the ad hoc General Education committees meeting -- AVPAARR Davis will be conducting a training session Sept. 18 -- Quality of Life report -- (Committee reports): Rules Committee: Submitted names for Senate appointment and for Committee appointments / Chair Lancaster -- (New business): A: Tenure & Promotion Calendar date changes / VPAARR Kindrick -- B: Employee Discount Program / Mike Turner & Anita Kirkpatrick -- C: Use of Cell Phones &/or Pagers in Class / VPAARR Kindrick and Students for the Faculty Senate
Minutes: Summary of action: 1. Confirmed the following as Senators: Nan Myers, Library (1yr), Phil May, Accountancy (2yrs) & David Hiltner, Art & Design (1 yr) -- 2. Accepted the following appointments to Faculty Senate Committees: Academic Affairs - Hussein Hamdeh, Jeff Quirin; Court of Academic Appeals - Syed Taher (full), Larry Blocher & Roy Myose (alternates); Exceptions - Scott Goldy; Faculty Affairs - Don Malzahn, Mel Kahn; Faculty Support - JoLynne Campbell, Hyuck Kwon, Dwight Murphey; General Education - Jodi Messer; Honors - Diane Huntley; Library - Tim Pett; Scholarship & Student Aid - Jackie Dillon -- 3. Accepted a change to the Tenure & Promotion Calendar -- (Informal statements and proposals): Senate's congratulations on the birth of his baby twins to Senator Russell / President Carroll -- Request that the Academic Operations Council consider a later drop day for 4-week summer classes / Senator Klunder -- Parking lot repair costs / Senator Murphey -- (President's report): Past President Klunder discussed June BOR meeting: Collaboration Degree Model accepted -- President Carroll reported on meeting with NORAD -- Announcement of General Education and the ad hoc General Education committees meeting -- AVPAARR Davis will be conducting a training session Sept. 18 -- Quality of Life report -- (Committee reports): Rules Committee: Submitted names for Senate appointment and for Committee appointments / Chair Lancaster -- (New business): A: Tenure & Promotion Calendar date changes / VPAARR Kindrick -- B: Employee Discount Program / Mike Turner & Anita Kirkpatrick -- C: Use of Cell Phones &/or Pagers in Class / VPAARR Kindrick and Students for the Faculty Senate
Wichita State University
Book Title
Wichita State University Faculty Senate Archives