The Sunflower, v.52, no.30 (May 15, 1947)

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Reserve Officers' Training Corps (R.O.T.C.) , Sorosis , Student Council , Kerr, James
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.52, no.30, Wichita, Kansas, May 15, 1947 - 14 pages
Table of Contents
Images in this collection were made from commercially produced and digitized microfilm, may be of poor quality, and will be gradually replaced by copies digitized by Special Collections from original paper copies. Source material held by University Librar
Article(s): Council election Friday -- History of R.O.T.C. reveals continued progess since 1919 / Francis Curtis -- R.O.T.C. men participate in inspection -- Vital Valley meet slated -- Women elect AWS heads -- Concert by band closes music year -- Banquet is Wednesday -- Paper staff to be filled -- Spring event is Saturday -- New actives honored at science banquet -- Tuesday picnic set by psychology club -- Savaiano will teach course at Chicago -- McDonald visits East for national meeting -- Rhodes scholarships are again offered; upperclass eligible -- Art exhibition opens today in Morrison -- Dance date is Saturday -- I.S.A. elects officers at Tuesday meeting -- Gamma party is tomorrow -- Honor group admits five -- Reserve Corps forms concert band here -- Sorosis dating back to 1897, boasts first women's group -- Brock elected head of Alpha Epsilon -- Planeview director is guest conductor -- Parnassus is completed -- Kelly given award to Wisconsin school -- 'Voice of the student body' is principal role of council -- Forward march! -- Veterans' news -- Grad gossip / Mickey McCoy -- College costs rise; Holyoke ups tuition fees second time -- Study in race relations / Anna Lampkin -- Platter chatter / Eddie Sisk -- English students at Texas use filmstrips as aid to study -- Milbourn is attending meeting in St. Louis -- Picnic planned for faculty is Saturday -- Military frat elects heads -- Registration rules made -- Pi Beta Chi initiation service is Saturday -- Five junior women 'tapped' to become 1947 honor group -- Association officers are elected recently -- Plans are made for R.O.T.C. encampment -- Station WU will need volunteer workers -- Spring sports end with Valley meet -- Regular Army board screens for officers -- WRA holds banquet tonight in Commons -- Golf team will defend Valley title -- Balog and Dickinson plan school in West
Photograph(s): Standing inspection for Capt. Samuel C. McAdams, professor of military science and tactics, are members of the Reserve Officers Training Corps cadet officers group. They include, front row, left to right, John H. Jones, Bob langenwalter, Jorge Roach, Quincey Utter, Jack Roberts. Back row, left to right, Bill Angle, Homer Hulsey, Robert Pedigo, Robert Sauzek, and Edward Willson. p. 1 -- Dr. Earle R. Davis. p. 1 -- James Kerr, who is pictured above, will direct the University Concert Band in the annual spring program Monday at 8:15 p.m. p. 1 -- T. J. Curry; Bert Davies. p. 1 -- New officers of Wheaties, women's pep organization, are Jeanne Cline, president who is pictured above, Marge Morris, vice president, and Virginia Brown, treasurer. p. 2 -- Dorothy Bruce, Queen of the May; Bill Draut, chancellor and Perry Pelley, III, crown bearer, are pictured above as they marched through an arch of sabers prior to her majesty's ascendance to the throne. p. 3 -- Pictured above are Ray Berschauer, Leland Abel and Charles Crum, members of the University tennis team. Team member not pictured is Donald Ware. p. 9
Includes Collegiate Digest, volume and issue unknown: Photograph(s): This V-2 bomb vapor trail is visible to New Mexico A&M College students every time a rocket is fired at White Sands Proving Grounds only 15 miles away. p. 11 -- The source of all the fireworks was displayed for all to see when Army authorities set up an exhibit as part of Engineers' day on the New Mexico campus. Looming in the background is the tail of a German V-2. p. 11 -- Cement mixer and all these pledges at Evansville College turned out to widen a campus sidewalk as part of their pledging duties. p. 11 -- Chute, cute: Latest fad at Ohio Wesleyan is weekend flying trips. Here John Barker helps Peg Culley into her chute before taking off on a formation flight to nearby Mansfield, Ohio. p. 11 -- From Shangri-La to Syracuse: Margaret Hastings, ex-Wac of Shangri-La fame, is shown as she studies engineering with Prof. Gerald Walsh at Syracuse University. p. 11 -- It finally happened at Hobart College, Geneva, N.Y. During the school's "Open the Door Dance," Richard actually showed up and opened the door. p. 11 -- While Bill Wilson and his wife were on their honeymoon, Kenyon College students, their classmates and faculty members were called on to help fight a fire that broke out in his newly rented apartment. Everything movable was saved. p. 12 -- Chinese students at Denison University study chemistry together, elated over having textbooks and apparatus. They transferred from Lingnan University, Canton, China. Stooping is Kai-yin Chau and standing is David Chu. p. 12 -- "Be a bottle baby all your life, only just be sure you hit the right bottle." Kay Kyser--the Old Professor--quipped in support of North Carolina's Good Health program during a recent visit to State College, Raleigh, NC. p. 12 -- Clean politics: Election of "Dorm Duke," king of residence halls at the University of Wisconsin, depends on the amount of publicity a candidate can get--good or bad. A sure vote-getter is an early spring plunge in the icy waters of Lake Mendota. At right, Bill Lyneis tests the lifeline before jumping into the lake. Above Frank Shular with soap in hand promises a "good, clean campaign." p. 12 -- But he won: Chuck Davey, Michigan State College, is the unhappy recipient of a right to the nose from Virginia's Willie Barnett. Despite the telling blow, Davey came back to win the bout. p. 13 -- Above, one way of getting a house if not a home is shown by Lee Shiamana and Tex Gonzalez. They are both students at the University of Notre Dame architectural school. p. 13 -- When photographers tried to shoot a human interest picture at Butler University, Walter Hicks thought they made better subjects than the dog. The dog's owner even tried getting under the table to help. p. 13 -- Looking like the devil at Bowling Green State University's Beaux Arts ball were two faculty members, Miss Mhysa Minnis and Esko Rentola. Caesar and Cleopatra, in the persons of William Lieser and Patricia Imhoff, joined them in a discussion of the coal shortage. p. 14 -- All-male Washington and Lee University counts heavily on veterans' wives in the production of school plays. While the husbands play their parts as students, their wives take to the stage in the mock-restoration comedy, "And So to Bed." p. 14 -- A memory lingers on: Members of the Purdue University Veterans' Association paid tribute to cartoonist Milt Caniff when they named Mrs. Betty Flanagan (center) "Miss Lace" after his service strip character. The original is in the background. p. 14 -- Gordon Atkinson, University of Florida star basketball player, helped put "Gallant Bess," famed movie equine star, through her paces at a "personal appearance" on the campus. p. 14 -- Finals: Preview of things to come is portrayed by James Ashworth, Eastern Illinois, T.C., as he crams for final exams. p. 14
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.52 no.30
PubMed ID