2004-04-26 Faculty Senate meeting

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Faculty Senate
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Wichita State University , Faculty Senate , Shared governance , Meeting Agenda , Meeting minutes
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Journal Issue
Faculty Senate. Agenda and minutes of the meeting of April 26, 2004. -- Faculty Senate Meetings, 2003-2004, v.17
Table of Contents
Agenda: (Informal statements and proposals) -- (President's report) -- (Committee reports): A. Faculty Senate Committee Annual reports from (** has recommendations): **Exceptions; Faculty Support; General Education; Honors; **Library; Rules; Tenure & Promotion; Undergraduate Research; University Curriculum -- (Old business): A. Proposed textbook adoption policy / Sarah McAndrew -- (New business): A. X/F grading / Sarah McAndrew -- B. Handbook for Faculty, Chapter 2 revisions: 1st reading
Attachments: Committee annual reports (*action): Exceptions Committee Annual report to the Senate - 2003-2004; Faculty Support Committee Annual Report - 2003-04; *Annual report of the General Education Committee for Academic Year 03-04; Honors Committee annual report 2003-04; *Library Senate Committee 2003/2004; Rules Committee annual report; *University Tenure and Promotion Committee Report 2003-04; Annual Report of the Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum; 2003-04 Annual Report of the University Curriculum Committee -- Student Government Association: Textbook Adoption Policy Proposal -- "XF" Grade Policy Proposal
Minutes: Summary of action: 1. Accepted the nomination of Victor Markovich, Senator, School of Music, appointment ends 6/06 -- 2. Accepted the annual reports from: Faculty Support, Honors, Rules, Undergraduate Research & University Curriculum -- 3. Referred action items in Exceptions Committee report to Rules Committee for consideration -- 4. Referred action items in Library Committee report to Executive Committee for consideration -- 5. Tabled the motion in the General Education Committee report until the 5/10/04 Senate meeting -- 6. Referred the SGA Proposal on X/F grading to Academic Affairs Committee for consideration -- 7. Referred SGA Proposal on Textbook Adoption Policy to Faculty Affairs Committee for consideration -- (Informal statements and proposals): A. Plan to re-structure the Exceptions Committee / Senator Goldy -- B. Information regarding the possibility of the Kansas Board of Education re-visiting the science issue of evolution / Senator Swan -- (President's report): A. Nominations for Senate officers and the Planning and Budget Committee -- B. COFSP Statement of Principles regarding the evaluation of CEOs on website -- C. Morale survey results compiled and available for review -- D. Faculty Meeting with the Board of Regents discussed funding, salaries, vision for WSU, problems with the hierarchical structure at WSU -- E. "Principles for Establishing Tuition Rates at WSU" -- F. Sunflower advertisement update -- (Committee reports): See summary of action -- (Old business): A. Textbook adoption policy / Sarah McAndrew -- (New business): A. X/F Grading proposal from SGA / Sarah McAndrew
Wichita State University
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Wichita State University Faculty Senate Archives
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