The Sunflower, v.52, no.26 (April 17, 1947)

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College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Student Council constitution , Robertson, David
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.52, no.26, Wichita, Kansas, April 17, 1947. - 8 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Students to elect queen Friday -- Honor group is named: High tribute bestowed on senior men -- Student trio attends meet -- Election procedure, rules announced by council -- Independents attend meet -- Ehrsam elected new officer of state group -- Military ball will be held Friday night -- Play leads are picked -- Constitution acceptance to be sought -- Saturday classes draw fire from some; praised by others / Lester Rosen -- Your right to vote -- Veterans' news / Ted Noel -- Grad gossip / Mickey McCoy -- Platter chatter / Eddie Sisk -- Newman Club holds first spring meeting -- New constitution up for vote is presented by school paper -- Psychology students visit state institution -- Fifth debate is broadcast -- Meeting of I.R. club is scheduled tonight -- Band tours five towns -- Faculty professors hold open discussion -- Roundabout the campus -- Downtown Club opens for married couples -- Titus and Fouts win new musical honors -- Dames club to meet at speech institute -- Jardine expected here this weekend after long absence -- Taggart attends two meets in Minneapolis -- Joint dance is Saturday -- Track team to Tulsa, KU -- Cosmopolitans hold contests tomorrow -- Shocker sidelights / Dean Campbell -- English instructors to attend state meet -- Tracksters take second at Emporia -- Davis to attend meet of NCAA as Valley delegate -- Emporia State here for golf and tennis -- Two seniors will coach -- Gold takes Black in final tilt -- Station WU to have morning music hour -- Assistant graduate openings are offered by two schools -- Openings are announced by Meloy for Student Forum board next year -- Raum places first in speech competition
Photograph(s): Dorothy L. Bruce; Gloria Fouts. p. 1 -- Men's honor group was announced this morning by the Honor Men of 1943, the last group to be selected since the war. The four men, all graduating seniors this spring, are pictured above. They include from, left to right, David Enoch, Jack Howse, Keith Oliver and Jesse Kelley Sowards. p. 1 -- Honorary Colonel Eileen Cerney is pictured above with her escort for the military ball, Cadet Captain Howard Anderson. p. 3 -- Winner of 1947 title of Phi Upsilon Sigma, "Sweater Girl" is Helen Carter, University senior and member of the Alpha Tau Sigma sorority, pictured above. p. 4 -- Bill Drout two-season letterman in basketball and football, pictured above, has a signed contract to coach at Minneaoplis, Kans., next fall. p. 7 -- Rotary International will hold its state meeting here in Wichita on April 20-22. The University symphony orchestra, under the direction of David Robertson, pictured above, will present a special concert for the organization in the University Auditorium on Sunday at 8:15 P.M. p. 8
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.52 no.26
PubMed ID