2000-08-28 Faculty Senate meeting

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Faculty Senate
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Archival material
Wichita State University , Faculty Senate , Shared governance , Meeting Agenda , Meeting minutes
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Journal Issue
Faculty Senate. Agenda and minutes of the meeting of August 28, 2000. -- Faculty Senate Meetings, 2000-2001, v.14
Table of Contents
Agenda: (President's report) -- (Committee reports): A. Rules Committee / Jeri Carroll -- B. Annual Reports from Academic Affairs & Library Committees -- (Old business): A. Election of LAS Social Sciences Senator to the Planning & Budget: Committee and Election of a member of Center for Teaching & Research Excellence Advisory Committee -- (New business): A. Recruiting Top Academic Students to W.S.U. / A. J. Mandt
Attachments: Academic Affairs Committee annual report (includes minutes of February 10, February 24, and March 7 meeting notes) -- Library Committee annual report
Minutes: Summary of action: 1. Accepted the nomination of Don Byrum as Senator, School of Art & Design, College of Fine Arts -- 2. Accepted the appointment of Ed Sawan, Scholarship & Student Aid Committee -- 3. Accepted the Academic Affairs & Library Committees annual reports -- 4. Elected Senator Ron Matson to the Planning & Budget Committee representing LAS Social Sciences -- 5. Appointed Senator Don Byrum to the Center for Teaching & Research Excellence Advisory Committee -- (President's report): Welcomed the Senators to a new academic year / President Klunder -- Plans to address the following issues this year: 1. Implementation of the Accountability Matrix -- 2. Examination of the structure and governance of graduate education -- 3. General education - the President wants to be sure that the curriculum fits the goals and objectives of the program -- (Committee reports): A. Rules / Jeri Carroll -- B. Senate accepted the annual reports from the Academic Affairs & the Library committees -- (Old business): A. Election of Planning & Budget Committee -- B. Appointment of Senator to the Center for Teaching & Research Excellence Advisory Committee -- (New business): A. Recruiting Top Academic Students to WSU / Honors Director Mandt
Wichita State University
Book Title
Wichita State University Faculty Senate Archives
PubMed ID