The Sunflower, v.66, no.43 (March 27, 1962)
Issue Date
Archival material
Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.66, no.43, Wichita, Kansas, March 27, 1962. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Gov. Anderson to talk here -- WU debaters take 1st place in MV tourney for 2nd year -- Cheerleaders slate tryouts for next year -- 5 represent Burma at Model UN -- WU students, parents invited to European seminar coffee -- CAC openings told -- AF inspects ROTC; training examined -- Military Ball to highlight social diary -- Election fever returns; Campaign antics mused / Kaye Wilson -- Editorial views: Political redundancy -- ASIS finds European employment -- Small world revisited by Art Larsen -- Campus capers / Susan Crane -- Sorority, fraternity officers assume duties after election -- 5 HS seniors receive grants -- Rifle tourney called 'successful' -- Experimental theatre to give '12 pound look' in McPherson
Photograph(s): Top ten senior men for 1962 were selected at the annual HYM dance Friday night. From left: Mike Mendenhall, Mr. Engineer; John Baldwin, Mr. Musician; Gary Huffman, Mr. Scholarship; Bill Seigle, Mr. Athlete; Chuck Lindley, Mr. Personality; John Joyce, Mr. Business; Woody Thompson, Mr. Politician; Bob Buchanan, Mr. Activities; Gil Graham, Mr. Executive; John Ritchey, Mr. Organizer. / photo by Tom Doan. p. 1 -- Engineering open house: Approximately 1500 persons visited Engineering Open House Friday and Saturday. Guests are shown above viewing a Stero-Scope [sic], which is a visual display of FM-AM sound. A Boeing official, G. W. McCarty, spoke out for a University of Southern Kansas at the Awards Banquet held Saturday night at Innes Tearoom. The Dean’s Award was presented to the Applied Mechanics Department, and Wichita Professional Engineering Society Award went to the Electrical Engineering Department Engineering Council award went to Jim Wagner and Chester Smith. / photo by Tom Doan. p. 1 -- Belle of the Ball: Julie Champlin, Gamma Phi Beta, was crowned 'Belle of the Ball' at the HYM Dance Friday night. Her date Gordon Harwick, a DU, reigned as "Bill of the Ball.' / photo by Tom Doan. p. 4
"2nd Semester Greek Officers Named See Page 3"
Article(s): Gov. Anderson to talk here -- WU debaters take 1st place in MV tourney for 2nd year -- Cheerleaders slate tryouts for next year -- 5 represent Burma at Model UN -- WU students, parents invited to European seminar coffee -- CAC openings told -- AF inspects ROTC; training examined -- Military Ball to highlight social diary -- Election fever returns; Campaign antics mused / Kaye Wilson -- Editorial views: Political redundancy -- ASIS finds European employment -- Small world revisited by Art Larsen -- Campus capers / Susan Crane -- Sorority, fraternity officers assume duties after election -- 5 HS seniors receive grants -- Rifle tourney called 'successful' -- Experimental theatre to give '12 pound look' in McPherson
Photograph(s): Top ten senior men for 1962 were selected at the annual HYM dance Friday night. From left: Mike Mendenhall, Mr. Engineer; John Baldwin, Mr. Musician; Gary Huffman, Mr. Scholarship; Bill Seigle, Mr. Athlete; Chuck Lindley, Mr. Personality; John Joyce, Mr. Business; Woody Thompson, Mr. Politician; Bob Buchanan, Mr. Activities; Gil Graham, Mr. Executive; John Ritchey, Mr. Organizer. / photo by Tom Doan. p. 1 -- Engineering open house: Approximately 1500 persons visited Engineering Open House Friday and Saturday. Guests are shown above viewing a Stero-Scope [sic], which is a visual display of FM-AM sound. A Boeing official, G. W. McCarty, spoke out for a University of Southern Kansas at the Awards Banquet held Saturday night at Innes Tearoom. The Dean’s Award was presented to the Applied Mechanics Department, and Wichita Professional Engineering Society Award went to the Electrical Engineering Department Engineering Council award went to Jim Wagner and Chester Smith. / photo by Tom Doan. p. 1 -- Belle of the Ball: Julie Champlin, Gamma Phi Beta, was crowned 'Belle of the Ball' at the HYM Dance Friday night. Her date Gordon Harwick, a DU, reigned as "Bill of the Ball.' / photo by Tom Doan. p. 4
"2nd Semester Greek Officers Named See Page 3"
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.66 no.43
v.66 no.43