The Sunflower, 1926-1927, no.12, December 3, 1926

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Wichita State University -- History , Student publications , Fine Arts -- Downtown studio , University of Wichita official seal , Working students , Student employment
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.21 no.12. Wichita, Kansas, December 3, 1926. - 8 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Wheatshockers chump Quakers 3-0: University of Wichita team spring strong offensive in last half and win annual Turkey Day game by margin or drop kick by Joe Stitt -- Football banquet at Shirkmere is event of tonight: The captain-elect of the 1927 team will be announced at banquet -- Working students not handicapped -- Virgil Adams had charge of engineers -- Curt college comments -- A tribute to De La -- H. W. Collins met with Y.M. cabinet -- W.U. girls coach dramatic class -- Official Wichita University seal chosen in contest: Eidon Keidd, Fairmount alumnus, wins twenty-five dollars with his design -- Sixteen men receive first team letters -- Fine Arts program to be given Dec. 19 -- The football banquet -- Fischer will give opera recitals soon -- Stone football to University campus for another year -- Machine gun range open to R.O.T.C. men: Juniors and sophomores will receive complete instruction in firing -- Their alma mater was burning, and they braved the fire -- What I have to be thankful for -- Favorite of musical America -- Spanish Club entertained students: A play written by Miss Richardson and Frances Hill furnished program -- Pep makers style is somewhat cramped by a furious professor -- Pi Alpha Pi men hold annual stag -- Pi Alpha Pi -- Alpha Gamma Gamma -- Delta Omega -- Webster amd Pi Alpha to entertain on 22nd -- Psi Tau Delta -- Elsie Janis coming Dec. 9 -- "The big parade" -- Holyoke Hall to have party Sat.: Wilma Harrison, Elinor Gard and Wauketa Crew have charge of arrangements -- Y.W.C.A. -- Two parties do honor to faculty -- A successful season -- Are you one of these? -- Mrs. Cohensbaum she watches yet dose dumpkecks -- Freshmen recessional -- Welcome home -- Let's support debate -- Girls' rifle team members chosen: Twenty girls in squad which will meet other colleges next semester -- "Saintly hypocrites and honest sinners -- At last some of our fair ones are having signs of knowledge -- An excruciating evening -- Candidates out for 1927 rifle team: W.U. men are practicing to enter competition in spring -- W.U. recognized on All State Team: Vermilion and Pierce are placed on second and third All Star teams -- All State men -- Shocker squad ends successful season: W.U. lost one conference game; Southwestern received worst defeat in years -- Four first team men report for B.ball: B. Myers, Pipkin, Almstead and Snackard other first team prospects -- Kansas Conference results -- Fine Arts College has studio suite: Attractive downtown studios are provided for Fine Arts faculty -- Collegiates doing their best to learn the magic art -- Curt college comments -- Holyoke Halls hilites
Photograph(s): Uncaptioned photograph of Amelita Galli-Curci. p. 2
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.21 no.12
PubMed ID