The Sunflower, v.63, no.56 (May 19, 1959)

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , European Education Seminar
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.63, no.56, Wichita, Kansas, May 19, 1959. - 6 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): 505 to be graduated at May 31 exercises: Dr. Powell to deliver address -- Retreat for YWCA to be held May 27 / Shirley Sears -- Scientist to receive annual alumni award -- Hilton chosen beauty queen of Parnassus -- 'King David' photo show set for June -- Graphic work shown in CAC -- Wilson, Sears will head publications -- Editorials: Traditionally yours -- Graduate art fellow plans sale of works -- Logopedics head honored as 'Bender of Twig' at dinner -- New staff named for Mikrokosmos -- Speech, drama instructor receives MSU assistantship -- Grid strength to be same, coach believes -- 8 university students plan tour of Europe / Richard Miller -- Poli Sci frat will initiate 9 on Friday -- Top AFROTC cadets named -- Retired French prof to teach telecourse -- DDD's award 4 scholarships -- McCarty receives Adams fellowship -- Engineering council elects new officers -- Frats select new officers for next fall -- WU coed honorary air group seeking additional memberships -- Bird cage / Paula Bird -- AWS project needs applicants -- 3 programs in English 112 to be given -- 1959 Parnassus distribution to get underway May 25 -- Pep Council plans fall Booster trip
Photograph(s): Barbara Hilton. p. 1 -- New staff: Top editorial staff members of The Sunflower for 1959-60 are, left to right: Leslie Wilson, editor; Leroy Pitts, news editor; Betty Kirkendall, managing editor; and, standing, Bill Bidwell, news editor. p. 1 -- Admire their trophy: Selected as the outstanding sorority on the campus on the basis of scholarship, leadership and extra curricular activities, Delta Delta Delta now holds the Sigma Phi Epsilon Outstanding Sorority Trophy. Viewing their acquisition at the house recently are, from left, Nancy Bales, secretary; Sally Shank, vice-president; Mary Joan Hiner, president; Nancy Mayer, social chairman; and Diana Brewer, marshal. p. 5 -- Big sister program planned: AWS officers recently began work planning the Big Sister program for next fall. Checking files of incoming freshmen in the Registrar's Office are, from left, Elaine Davis, seated, Joyce Cole, Hope Kroenline, Sally Shank, AWS president, and Myrna Schenck. p. 6
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.63 no.56
PubMed ID