2017-02-13 Faculty Senate meeting

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Faculty Senate
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Shared governance document
Wichita State University , Faculty Senate , Shared governance , Meeting Agenda , Meeting minutes
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Faculty Senate. Agenda and minutes of the meeting of February 13, 2017. -- Faculty Senate Meetings, 2016-2017, v.30
Table of Contents
Agenda: (Informal statements and proposals) -- (President's report) -- (Committee reports) -- (Old business): a. Shared Governance Statement -- b. Proposed Council for Former Senate Presidents -- c. Proposed Weapons Resolution -- (New business): a. Perform to Transform / Judy Espinoza -- (As may arise)
Attachments: 3.52 / Shared Governance policy -- Proposed Council of Faculty Senate Presidents -- Resolution Objecting to Allowing Concealed Weapons on WSU Campuses, February 6, 2017 / M. Bayram Yildirim, Faculty Senate President
Minutes: Summary of actions: 1. Faculty Senate accepted the amended revision to the constitution regarding Faculty Senate membership -- 2. Faculty Senate accepted the Shared Governance Statement -- 3. Faculty Senate approved the formation of a Council for Former Senate Presidents -- 4. Faculty Senate accepted with amendments the Weapons Resolution -- (Informal statements and proposals): Instructional Design and Technology (IDT) would like feedback on how to help graduate students and new faculty in the classroom / President-Elect Shaw -- (President's report): 1. President Bardo sent a message supporting international faculty, students, and staff -- 2. President's FAQ to be posted on the WSU webpage -- 3. 3. Faculty Senate Feedback Forum -- 4. Spring 2017 surveys -- 5. AAUP meeting to be held February 24 -- (Committee reports): 1. Rules Committee: Proposal approved at the general faculty meeting on January 30, 2017 was amended to include the word "research" and Senate needs to vote on amended proposal -- 2. President's Budget Advisory Committee -- 3. Faculty Senate and Planning Budget Committee -- 3. Faculty Senate and Planning Budget Committee -- 5. Crisis Committee -- 6. Academic Affairs: Reviewed and supports the Bachelor of Applied Arts (BAA) proposal -- 7. General Education Committee: Evaluating First Year Seminar -- 8. Faculty Affairs Committee: beginning the discussion of Department Head versus Department Chair, the Pros/Cons -- (Old business): 1. Proposed Shared Governance Statement - 2nd reading -- 2. Proposed Council for Former Senate Presidents -1st reading -- 3. Proposed Weapons Resolution -- (New business): Perform to Transform presentation / Judy Espinoza -- (As may arise): Request for proposals for the Technology Fair to be held March 28th / Senator Willis
Wichita State University
Book Title
Wichita State University Faculty Senate Archives
PubMed ID