The Sunflower, v.39, no.30 (April 25, 1934)

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Issue Date
Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Accreditation , North Central Association (N.C.A.) , Lieurance, Thurlow, 1878-1963 , Fletcher, Worth , Ayres, H. D. , Branch, Hazel Elisabeth, 1886-1973 , McDonald, C. C. , Honor Five
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.39, no.30, Wichita, Kansas, April 25, 1934. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Scientists are ready to convene -- Max Montor entertains University -- Band plans program for convocation -- Dr. N. Dett in Wichita under auspices of music class -- McDermott to speak to class of 1934 -- Thurlow Lieurance is recognized by writer -- Father of Tom and Virginia Horton dies -- Lieurance to present students before club -- Last annual payment due on Wednesday -- R.O.T.C team is high in meet -- Delta Omega, Webster win high awards -- Wilner directs play at Tuesday meeting -- Astronomy survey class on midnight field trip sees 150 shooting stars -- Lewis plans intra-mural debate meet -- Reinstatement seen as first step toward school’s new program -- Omega Upsilon to give play Saturday night -- Crowd likes Coward’s play -- Scientists of state to meet at University -- University is overjoyed at N.C. action -- University bulletin -- Miss Grace Wilkie to attend women's meet -- College 4-H Club receives faculty -- Roundabout -- Campus attention is turned toward latest of weddings -- Juniors awaiting first class prom -- Pi Alphs will give dinner dance -- Sororities to give tableaux -- Fraternities -- Annual luncheon held by Sorosis on Founder's Day -- W.U. wins track meet in the rain -- Intra-mural tennis plan is a success -- Looking on / Loy Wood -- 1934 schedule completed by Coach Gebert -- Central Conference chief sends statement to W.U. / C. R. Phipps -- Tennis schedule awaits answers -- A.V.I. track meet discontinued for '34 -- Women’s archery meet undecided -- Washburn U. is out of Central Conf. for good
Photograph(s): Speaker: Judge George T. McDermott of the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals who will deliver the commencement address to the class of 1934. / photo courtesy Wichita Beacon. p. 1 -- Speaker: Dr. J. Henry Hornung, pastor of the United Congregational Church in Wichita, who will deliver the baccalaureate address to the class of 1934. / photo courtesy Wichita Beacon. p. 1 -- Director: Mrs. W. H. Mikesell, experienced dramatic producer, is directing "Cradle Song" the Sorosis Little Theater Play which will be presented at the Twentieth Century Club on May 5. / photo courtesy Wichita Beacon. p. 3
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.39 no.30
PubMed ID