2003-12-08 Faculty Senate meeting
Faculty Senate
Issue Date
Shared governance document
Wichita State University , Faculty Senate , Shared governance , Meeting Agenda , Meeting minutes
Faculty Senate. Agenda and minutes of the meeting of December 8, 2003. -- Faculty Senate Meetings, 2003-2004, v.17
Table of Contents
Agenda: (Informal statements and proposals) -- (President’s report) -- (Committee reports): A. Academic Affairs: Academic Affairs would like to move: "No Community College course may be accepted as an equivalent of an upper division at W S U."/ Don Blakeslee -- B. Ad hoc Handbook for Faculty revision committee update / Scott Goldy -- C. Faculty Affairs: Update on Committee work on charges from the Executive Committee / ShaLi Zhang -- (New business): A. Honors Program update / Jay Mandt -- B. COCOA response to COPS
Minutes: Summary of action: 1. Accepted the motion from Academic Affairs Committee: "No Community College course may be accepted as an equivalent of an upper division course at WSU" -- 2. Accepted the motion from the Faculty Affairs Committee: Create a special task force to study the marketability/supplemental merit raises -- 3. Accepted the COCOA response to HB2444 -- (Informal statements and proposals): Reminder to the Senate of the Holiday Gathering on December 12 -- (President's report): A. Final version of the Faculty Morale survey will be completed at the December Board of Regents meeting by COFSP -- B. Announcement that the new University Tuition Advisory Committee will begin meeting soon -- (Committee reports): A. Academic Affairs: Presented a motion from the committee: "No Community College course may be accepted as an equivalent of an upper division course at WSU." / Don Blakeslee -- B. Ad Hoc Handbook for Faculty update / Senator Goldy -- C. Faculty Affairs Committee: motion from the committee: Create a special task force to study the marketability/supplemental merit raises / Senator Zhang -- (New business): A. Honors Program Update / Jay Mandt -- B. COCOA response to COPS
Minutes: Summary of action: 1. Accepted the motion from Academic Affairs Committee: "No Community College course may be accepted as an equivalent of an upper division course at WSU" -- 2. Accepted the motion from the Faculty Affairs Committee: Create a special task force to study the marketability/supplemental merit raises -- 3. Accepted the COCOA response to HB2444 -- (Informal statements and proposals): Reminder to the Senate of the Holiday Gathering on December 12 -- (President's report): A. Final version of the Faculty Morale survey will be completed at the December Board of Regents meeting by COFSP -- B. Announcement that the new University Tuition Advisory Committee will begin meeting soon -- (Committee reports): A. Academic Affairs: Presented a motion from the committee: "No Community College course may be accepted as an equivalent of an upper division course at WSU." / Don Blakeslee -- B. Ad Hoc Handbook for Faculty update / Senator Goldy -- C. Faculty Affairs Committee: motion from the committee: Create a special task force to study the marketability/supplemental merit raises / Senator Zhang -- (New business): A. Honors Program Update / Jay Mandt -- B. COCOA response to COPS
Wichita State University
Book Title
Wichita State University Faculty Senate Archives