The Sunflower, v.61, no.48 (April 12, 1957)

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College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Endowment Fund -- Development Board , Fraternities and sororities -- National affiliation , Lieurance, Thurlow, 1878-1963
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.61, no.48, Wichita, Kansas, April 12, 1957. - 8 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Alumni association honors Lieurance at dedication -- Nationalization looms following Regents' ok / Marry Simmonds and Don Stephan -- Boeing V-P accepts job on development board -- Award dinner, photo field day planned / Jack Mattis -- Rep. Judd to speak on forum -- Council approves publicity agency open on part-time basis in fall -- Editorial: By their works -- Wit, wisdom combined in 'Teahouse' -- Striped suits for swimming reflect 90's -- Up-to-date collegiate styles feature.... -- ... Stripes and lots of gay color mixture -- KMUW emphasizes quality and practical experience -- Dorm's formal to be April 26 -- WU alumni in N.Y. scheduled to meet -- '57 spring fashions emphasize versatile separates, gay colors -- European shoes become popular -- Conservative styling influences men's garb this spring / Kathy Rhodes -- Ivy style comes to the west -- ISA sweetheart to attend meet in Urbana, Ill. -- FAC facilities dedicated to coeds killed in wreck -- Baseballmen [sic] lose 2, take Phillips, E-State -- Tennis team tops E-State in first win -- Runners drop E-State meet; score 74-59 -- OU downs WU golfers
Photograph(s): Dr. Thurlow Lieurance, center, dean emeritus of the School of Fine Arts, is shown admiring a recognition plaque which he received Tuesday night at the FAC dedication. Dr. Lieurance was honored by the University Alumni Association. With the former dean are Oliver Elliott, association president, left, and Byron S. Chappell, awards committee chairman. p. 1 -- A plaque for the outstanding exhibit at the Engineering Open House Feb. 22-23, was presented to the electrical engineering department by the three members of the American Society of Professional Engineers. From left to right are: Spencer Delemeter, Walter Burnham, Kenneth Hale, Bill Brown, Howard Hamilton, assistant professor, and David Henderson. p. 1 -- Sandra Kirchhoff models a two-piece, knitted short outfit designed by Helen Harper. The lined shorts come in solid or striped color with tee shirts to match. These outfits may be purchased in red, navy, or blue and are priced at 4.98 dollars. The outfit is available at Flo Brooks. p. 3 -- Petti captures the "pride and passion" of Spain in Lowensteins Everglaze cottons, here modeled by Judy Vail. Wash and wear, with little or no ironing. Just part of a complete selection of dresses and sportswear with that Spanish influence. The Tuck or Tie shirt is priced at 5.98 dollars and Contour belted full skirt is priced at $10.98. These fashions come in sizes from 7 to 15 and are featured at Innes' Young Kansan Shop. p. 4 -- A lovely Jantzen swim suit is modeled by Joan Stromeyer. This polished cotton and nylon suit come in light blue, toast, or pink and is available at Russ Calkins. p. 5 -- Competing for national honors at the National Independent Students Association Convention, April 16 through 18, at Urbana, Ill., will be pretty Marta Diaz, 1957 ISA Sweetheart. p. 7
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.61 no.48
PubMed ID