The Sunflower, 1930-1931, no.24, March 25, 1931

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Sipple, Leslie , Clough, Flora , Fairmount College seal , Morrison Library
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.36, no.24, Wichita, Kansas, March 25, 1931. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Students govern Wichita -- Grimes is highest DeMolay officer -- Scabbard and Blade inspector is here -- Fullerton talks to reporting students -- Hinkel is impressed by increase and improvement of W.U. / Allen W. Hinkel -- Students to direct series of playlets -- Wichita attends "Minisa" -- President Foght says -- Two French classes meet to present play without scenery and properties -- Girls team chooses drill for K.C. show -- Fraternity edits Moon Weed issue of The Sunflower -- Wichita-McPherson debate on April 3 -- Gamma Chi will install fireplace -- Board of Regents announce election of 1931-32 faculty -- Spanish play will be presented in gym April 16-17 -- Receive word here from L. B. Sipple -- Branch, Hickerson address faculty -- Student, held up by bandit, recalls his knees shaking -- Wichita has the first collegiate Carnegie Library -- Woman teaches in Chicago gangland -- Unearth old seal of Fairmount buried in ruins -- Society: Omega Upsilon to give semi-formal on Saturday nite; Artistic theme in Epsilon Kapp Rho founders banquet; Epsilon Kappa Rho March Winds dance at Shirkmere Fri.; Bohemian party attracts students -- Clubs: University Players hold services for seven new pledges; International Club will hear Clement Richardson speak; Y.W.C.A officers elected for 1931-32 -- Sherwood Eddy to be speaker at convocation April 15th -- French students present comedy -- Intra-mural track meet to be held tomorrow afternoon: Varsity men to be chosen from winners -- Shockers take easy victories from Mexicans -- Gorilla squad faces heavy track season -- Shocker girls win in archery meet -- Tennis season to open with Enid meet -- Date of finals for girls' meet are announced -- Eagles and Zeta Delts lead in intra-mural ball league -- Twenty states send athletes to K.U. relays -- Over and around the track / J. Lee Clark -- Style show is planned for April 1 -- Track squad gets eighteen varsity suits
Photograph(s): Allen W. Hinkel. p. 1 -- Present "Minisa" to public. p. 1 -- Howard Fordham's orchestra. p. 2 -- Miss Dorothea Roth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Roth, 146 S. Estelle, has been elected president of Y.W.C.A. of the University of Wichita for the coming year. Miss Roth is a member of Epsilon Kappa Rho. / Courtesy of Wichita Beacon. p. 3 -- Johnny Pierpont around whom the Shocker tennis hopes are based. / Courtesy Wichita Beacon. p. 4 -- Pictured is George Matson, coach and captain of the Shocker golf team. / Courtesy Wichita Beacon. p. 4
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.36 no.24
PubMed ID