The Sunflower, 1929-1930, no.23, April 4, 1930
Issue Date
Archival material
Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Wilkie, Grace , Finlayson, John D. , Foght, H. W. (Harold Waldstein), 1869- , Morrison, N. J. (Nathan Jackson), 1828- , Rollins, W. H. , Thayer, Henry E. , Swartz, S. E. , Kappa Delta Pi , Married students , Morrison Library , Museums -- Gift acquisitions , World War I , World War, 1914-1918
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.22, no.23, Wichita, Kansas, April 4, 1930. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Pitts wins first in oratory -- G. Pflaum named as president -- Gustavus Adolphus and Southwestern win final debates -- Fine Arts students appear before club -- Profs in demand as judges in contest -- W.U. new national ed. frat -- Fiction books will be in W.U. Library -- Old timers reunion celebreated by men of first convention -- Journalism awards to be given to best students at dinner -- Sooners get 1932 meeting -- Local girls equal to those of coast says Californian -- Elephant tooth is presented museum -- Morton wins for women: University of Wichita orator takes first in men's contests -- Charles Haeckler, Florence Newcomb extempo winners -- Everett Wise writes new sweetheart song -- Library was named for first president -- Present convention is successful, say tourney chairmen -- Van Wormer speaks before art students -- 4 hundred students eat at U. cafeteria -- Debate conditions over U.S. shown in PKD questionnaire -- Theses are written by history students -- South Dakota State teams entered in all events / Ivan C. Johnson -- Married life is no hindrance to studies to college couples -- Chemistry teacher tested liquor for sheriff in old days -- Campus society: Roof garden of Broadview scene of formal dance; Pi Kappa Delta feted during the convention week; May Day nuptials announced at tea: Helen Alexander to become bride of John McCluggage next month -- Alpha Tau Sigma to hold informal in Crestview Club; Delta Gamma Delta has initiation dinner; Engagements of two former W.U. co-eds revealed; University music sorority to honor Kathleen Kersting -- Clubs, et. al: Conference will be held in Wichita; W.U. girls compete in W.A.A. playday -- Wichita University opens track season against Pittsburg teachers -- Junior-sophomores win annual interclass track meet -- Crestview employs girls to serve -- World War won by W.U. professor is revealed in records: At least they gave valuable aid, reporter uncovers -- Gebert and Locke will arrive for spring work; Fischer accompanies Kathleen Kersting -- W.U. student wins second in match -- Brick up to second story in building -- Gorilla tracksters win in Texas meet -- Keeping the athlete fit / Dutch E. Scheufler -- Pittsburg makes athletic awards -- Many track stars entered in eigth annual K.U. relay
Photograph(s): Convention worker: John Cowley, instructor in the Speech Department of the University of Wichita, has been highly commended by national officers of Pi Kappa Delta for his untiring efforts which contributed much to the success of the meet. p. 1 -- Kansan heads Pi Kappa Delta: Prof. George R. R. Pflaum, head of the department of speech at Emporia State Teachers college, who was elected national president of Pi Kappa Delta in the final business session Friday of the national convention here. p. 1 -- National winner: Veryl Pitts, University of Wichita representative, won first place in the men's division of the national Pi Kappa Delta oratorical contests this morning at the Hotel Broadview. p. 1 -- Honoree at luncheon bridge: Miss Ina Sutter whose engagement and approaching marriage was announced last week will share honors with two other bridge elects. p. 3 -- Oppose Gorillas here tomorrow: Here are four mainstays of the Shocker track teams and Coach Harry T. Goerger. p. 4
Article(s): Pitts wins first in oratory -- G. Pflaum named as president -- Gustavus Adolphus and Southwestern win final debates -- Fine Arts students appear before club -- Profs in demand as judges in contest -- W.U. new national ed. frat -- Fiction books will be in W.U. Library -- Old timers reunion celebreated by men of first convention -- Journalism awards to be given to best students at dinner -- Sooners get 1932 meeting -- Local girls equal to those of coast says Californian -- Elephant tooth is presented museum -- Morton wins for women: University of Wichita orator takes first in men's contests -- Charles Haeckler, Florence Newcomb extempo winners -- Everett Wise writes new sweetheart song -- Library was named for first president -- Present convention is successful, say tourney chairmen -- Van Wormer speaks before art students -- 4 hundred students eat at U. cafeteria -- Debate conditions over U.S. shown in PKD questionnaire -- Theses are written by history students -- South Dakota State teams entered in all events / Ivan C. Johnson -- Married life is no hindrance to studies to college couples -- Chemistry teacher tested liquor for sheriff in old days -- Campus society: Roof garden of Broadview scene of formal dance; Pi Kappa Delta feted during the convention week; May Day nuptials announced at tea: Helen Alexander to become bride of John McCluggage next month -- Alpha Tau Sigma to hold informal in Crestview Club; Delta Gamma Delta has initiation dinner; Engagements of two former W.U. co-eds revealed; University music sorority to honor Kathleen Kersting -- Clubs, et. al: Conference will be held in Wichita; W.U. girls compete in W.A.A. playday -- Wichita University opens track season against Pittsburg teachers -- Junior-sophomores win annual interclass track meet -- Crestview employs girls to serve -- World War won by W.U. professor is revealed in records: At least they gave valuable aid, reporter uncovers -- Gebert and Locke will arrive for spring work; Fischer accompanies Kathleen Kersting -- W.U. student wins second in match -- Brick up to second story in building -- Gorilla tracksters win in Texas meet -- Keeping the athlete fit / Dutch E. Scheufler -- Pittsburg makes athletic awards -- Many track stars entered in eigth annual K.U. relay
Photograph(s): Convention worker: John Cowley, instructor in the Speech Department of the University of Wichita, has been highly commended by national officers of Pi Kappa Delta for his untiring efforts which contributed much to the success of the meet. p. 1 -- Kansan heads Pi Kappa Delta: Prof. George R. R. Pflaum, head of the department of speech at Emporia State Teachers college, who was elected national president of Pi Kappa Delta in the final business session Friday of the national convention here. p. 1 -- National winner: Veryl Pitts, University of Wichita representative, won first place in the men's division of the national Pi Kappa Delta oratorical contests this morning at the Hotel Broadview. p. 1 -- Honoree at luncheon bridge: Miss Ina Sutter whose engagement and approaching marriage was announced last week will share honors with two other bridge elects. p. 3 -- Oppose Gorillas here tomorrow: Here are four mainstays of the Shocker track teams and Coach Harry T. Goerger. p. 4
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.22 no.23
v.22 no.23