The Sunflower, v.71, no.17 (October 28, 1966)

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Issue Date
Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Breazeale, John Ballard, 1926-2009 , Kappa Sigma Sigma , Mayer, Peter , Miller, W. E.
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower, v.71 no.17. Wichita, Kansas, October 28, 1966. - 8 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Honor parents set for annual festivities -- Guest Brass Quintet to perform tonight -- SGA agenda well filled -- City job fair begins Sat. on campus -- Officers hold first meeting of series -- Program board investigates European flight -- Annual part to be given for institute -- Installation banquet held for journalism fraternity / Pat O'Connor -- Loyalty Oath to be discussed -- Apathetic student body blamed on marriage -- Placement Bureau has information on employment -- Business facility survey determines student needs -- Fraternal group formally initiated into frat council -- Alpha Chi’s to hold annual chili supper -- Season opens for theatre with comedy -- Queen candidates to vie for title -- Psych students visit visit Winfieid State Hospital -- Value of a decision -- Panty prank preview? -- The non-voting member: Student government comments / Ron Wylie -- Book review: Shades pf Philo Vance / Friday Green -- Coed writes to retrieve panties; but they're gone -- Austrian psych professor will speak on forum -- Danforth Grad Fellowship info available from prof -- Society news: Shockers host parents Saturday, Halloween festivities scheduled / Cheri Basta -- KMUW quips / Frankie Howard -- Biometrics prof to visit WSU campus -- Shocker sportlights / Steve Gresham -- Shocker gridder team to meet Cardinals tomorrow night / Mike Kiser -- Three ousted from team by Karris
Photograph(s): Internationally known Brass Quintet will appear tonight at 8 p.m. in the DFAC Concert Hall in the Guest Artist Series. p. 1 -- WSU Graduate Club: officers elected are l. to r. standing, Adrian Hannus, President; Carolyn Patton, Parliamentarian; Claudia Havens, Social Chairman; Carol Voth, Secretary; and Kemp Irwin, Publicity. Seated are l. to r. advisors W. E. Miller, J. B. Breazeale, and Peter Mayer. p. 1 -- Dr. Bruno Bettelheim. p. 5
Wichita State University
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.71 no.17
PubMed ID