The Sunflower, v.54, no.08 (October 28, 1948)
Issue Date
Archival material
Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Education Club , Campus roads
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.54, no.8, Wichita, Kansas, October 28, 1948 - 10 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Dot Neises to reign as Homecoming Queen: New tactics employed at this election -- Student Forum has fifteen vacancies -- Famous religious educator opens convocation series -- Brown talks on theatres -- Kitty Curry wins honor -- 'No walkout Monday win or lose', Rosen -- Enrollment reaches new high -- Eunice Podis will appear in concert -- Philip Barry play opens 8:30 tonight -- Round about the campus -- Aesculapius to hold hop -- New debaters will hold contest Nov. 13 -- Kappa Delta Pi frat has pledge service for new members -- Writers Club meets today -- Alumni Association to have breakfast -- Education students may enter KSTA -- Newman Club holds big Halloween party -- Free dance after game -- Iris Gardner chosen Gamma 'Betty Coed' sweetheart of 1948 -- Education club party tomorrow evening -- 68 join ISA on campus -- Bamboo Room becomes barn for Men of Webster dance -- Kansas Hi-Y group holds pre-legislative meeting in Commons -- YW representative from Burma here -- Student decision aid is part of college counselor's job -- Civil service jobs open to graduates -- Weekly exhibit show books about religion by E. Stanley Jones -- Pilot praises midget plane -- Apply your knowledge... -- Competent office training reaps financial dividends / Bob Ames -- Appointments made for class pictures -- Over 80 percent of Kansans radio quiz program fans now -- Independent Students form alumni group -- Vox discipuli: Criticism of walkout brings arguments to Sunflower desk / Jim Edwards -- Ugliest!: Louis Harper wins Ugly Man contest by large majority -- Vets!: Personnel now hired by arm chair bosses in eastern cities / Bob Olson -- Ecuadorian consults with sociology head on census tracting -- Grad gossip!: Georgia Caywood is manager for 'Radio Life'; W. C. Pontius sees Linwood Sexton in action / Beulah Mullen -- Wheat Shockers grid squad is descendent of champions -- Homecoming coffee for alumni Nov. 6 -- Old campus eyesore removed by paving muddy Yale Avenue -- New fence ordered for Veterans Field -- Betty Roberts new Jardine secretary -- Student and faculty eat heavily each day -- 'Black Cat's Tale' is theme of band -- Carlson asks for unity -- Rae Batt will speak before political club -- Vet news: Arkansas students conduct experiment for vets in hospital -- Newman Club hears brothers theme at recent meeting -- Shockers await arrival of Hurricanes: Finks lead Tulsa club -- Cage drills stepped up -- Hurricanes hold edge in Wichita-Tulsa tilts / John M. Sullivan -- Webster A, Phi Sig A will clash today: Both teams undefeated -- Oklahoma Aggies top Valley; tangle with K.U. Saturday -- Meilert wins net crown -- Revenge!: Wichita over Tulsa by a small margin is Ames prediction / Bob Ames -- Wichita-Tulsa film to be shown Nov. 2 -- Drama Club gives play -- Theatre today lacks spirit, guest speaker tells Players -- English professor talks to accountants
Photograph(s): Dot Neises. p. 1 -- Eunice Podis. p. 1 -- George Wilner. p. 1 -- Elinor Margrave '47, alumni chairman of Homecoming festivities, discusses plans with the Student Council representatives in charge of arrangements for Homecoming on Nov. 6. Pictured left to right are: Betty Williams Knocke, Elinor Margrave, Dick Mullen, and Pat Taylor. p. 6 -- Billy Joe Cagle, Tulsa's All-Conference center. P. 8 -- Denver Grigsby, Hurricane starting halfback. p. 9
Article(s): Dot Neises to reign as Homecoming Queen: New tactics employed at this election -- Student Forum has fifteen vacancies -- Famous religious educator opens convocation series -- Brown talks on theatres -- Kitty Curry wins honor -- 'No walkout Monday win or lose', Rosen -- Enrollment reaches new high -- Eunice Podis will appear in concert -- Philip Barry play opens 8:30 tonight -- Round about the campus -- Aesculapius to hold hop -- New debaters will hold contest Nov. 13 -- Kappa Delta Pi frat has pledge service for new members -- Writers Club meets today -- Alumni Association to have breakfast -- Education students may enter KSTA -- Newman Club holds big Halloween party -- Free dance after game -- Iris Gardner chosen Gamma 'Betty Coed' sweetheart of 1948 -- Education club party tomorrow evening -- 68 join ISA on campus -- Bamboo Room becomes barn for Men of Webster dance -- Kansas Hi-Y group holds pre-legislative meeting in Commons -- YW representative from Burma here -- Student decision aid is part of college counselor's job -- Civil service jobs open to graduates -- Weekly exhibit show books about religion by E. Stanley Jones -- Pilot praises midget plane -- Apply your knowledge... -- Competent office training reaps financial dividends / Bob Ames -- Appointments made for class pictures -- Over 80 percent of Kansans radio quiz program fans now -- Independent Students form alumni group -- Vox discipuli: Criticism of walkout brings arguments to Sunflower desk / Jim Edwards -- Ugliest!: Louis Harper wins Ugly Man contest by large majority -- Vets!: Personnel now hired by arm chair bosses in eastern cities / Bob Olson -- Ecuadorian consults with sociology head on census tracting -- Grad gossip!: Georgia Caywood is manager for 'Radio Life'; W. C. Pontius sees Linwood Sexton in action / Beulah Mullen -- Wheat Shockers grid squad is descendent of champions -- Homecoming coffee for alumni Nov. 6 -- Old campus eyesore removed by paving muddy Yale Avenue -- New fence ordered for Veterans Field -- Betty Roberts new Jardine secretary -- Student and faculty eat heavily each day -- 'Black Cat's Tale' is theme of band -- Carlson asks for unity -- Rae Batt will speak before political club -- Vet news: Arkansas students conduct experiment for vets in hospital -- Newman Club hears brothers theme at recent meeting -- Shockers await arrival of Hurricanes: Finks lead Tulsa club -- Cage drills stepped up -- Hurricanes hold edge in Wichita-Tulsa tilts / John M. Sullivan -- Webster A, Phi Sig A will clash today: Both teams undefeated -- Oklahoma Aggies top Valley; tangle with K.U. Saturday -- Meilert wins net crown -- Revenge!: Wichita over Tulsa by a small margin is Ames prediction / Bob Ames -- Wichita-Tulsa film to be shown Nov. 2 -- Drama Club gives play -- Theatre today lacks spirit, guest speaker tells Players -- English professor talks to accountants
Photograph(s): Dot Neises. p. 1 -- Eunice Podis. p. 1 -- George Wilner. p. 1 -- Elinor Margrave '47, alumni chairman of Homecoming festivities, discusses plans with the Student Council representatives in charge of arrangements for Homecoming on Nov. 6. Pictured left to right are: Betty Williams Knocke, Elinor Margrave, Dick Mullen, and Pat Taylor. p. 6 -- Billy Joe Cagle, Tulsa's All-Conference center. P. 8 -- Denver Grigsby, Hurricane starting halfback. p. 9
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.54 no.8
v.54 no.8