New constraints on oscillation parameters from appearance and disappearance in the NOvA experiment

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Cedeno, Alan J.
Meyer, Holger
Muether, Mathew
Solomey, Nickolas
Issue Date
Elastic tracking , Neutrino , Algorithms , Simulation
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
NOvA Collaboration; Cedeno, Alan; Meyer, Holger; Muether, Mathew; Solomey, Nickolas. 2018. New constraints on oscillation parameters from v(e) appearance and v(mu) disappearance in the NOvA experiment. Physical Review D, vol. 98:no. 3

We present updated results from the NOvA experiment for and oscillations from an exposure of protons on target, which represents an increase of 46% compared to our previous publication. The results utilize significant improvements in both the simulations and analysis of the data. A joint fit to the data for disappearance and appearance gives the best fit point as normal mass hierarchy, , , and . The 68.3% confidence intervals in the normal mass hierarchy are , and The inverted mass hierarchy is disfavored at the 95% confidence level for all choices of the other oscillation parameters.

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Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI. Funded by SCOAP3. WSU authors: Cedeno, Alan; Meyer, Holger; Muether, Mathew; Solomey, Nickolas. The complete list includes: Acero, M. A.; Adamson, P.; Aliaga, L.; Alion, T.; Allakhverdian, V.; Anfimov, N.; Antoshkin, A.; Arrieta-Diaz, E.; Aurisano, A.; Back, A.; Backhouse, C.; Baird, M.; Balashov, N.; Bambah, B. A.; Bays, K.; Behera, B.; Bending, S.; Bernstein, R.; Bhatnagar, V.; Bhuyan, B.; Bian, J.; Blackburn, T.; Blair, J.; Bolshakova, A.; Bour, P.; Bromberg, C.; Brown, J.; Buchanan, N.; Butkevich, A.; Bychkov, V.; Campbell, M.; Carroll, T. J.; Catano-Mur, E.; Cedeno, A.; Childress, S.; Choudhary, B. C.; Chowdhury, B.; Coan, T. E.; Colo, M.; Cooper, J.; Corwin, L.; Cremonesi, L.; Cronin-Hennessy, D.; Davies, G. S.; Davies, J. P.; De Rijck, S.; Derwent, P. F.; Dharmapalan, R.; Ding, P.; Djurcic, Z.; Dukes, E. C.; Dung, P.; Duyang, H.; Edayath, S.; Ehrlich, R.; Feldman, G. J.; Frank, M. J.; Gallagher, H. R.; Gandrajula, R.; Gao, F.; Germani, S.; Giri, A.; Gomes, R. A.; Goodman, M. C.; Grichine, V.; Groh, M.; Group, R.; Grover, D.; Guo, B.; Habig, A.; Hakl, F.; Hartnell, J.; Hatcher, R.; Hatzikoutelis, A.; Heller, K.; Himmel, A.; Holin, A.; Howard, B.; Huang, J.; Hylen, J.; Jediny, F.; Judah, M.; Kakorin, I.; Kalra, D.; Kaplan, D. M.; Keloth, R.; Klimov, O.; Koerner, L. W.; Kolupaeva, L.; Kotelnikov, S.; Kourbanis, I.; Kreymer, A.; Kulenberg, Ch.; Kumar, A.; Kuruppu, C.; Kus, V.; Lackey, T.; Lang, K.; Lin, S.; Lokajicek, M.; Lozier, J.; Luchuk, S.; Maan, K.; Magill, S.; Mann, W. A.; Marshak, M. L.; Matveev, V.; Mendez, D. P.; Messier, M. D.; Meyer, H.; Miao, T.; Miller, W. H.; Mishra, S. R.; Mislivec, A.; Mohanta, R.; Moren, A.; Mualem, L.; Muether, M.; Mufson, S.; Murphy, R.; Musser, J.; Naples, D.; Nayak, N.; Nelson, J. K.; Nichol, R.; Niner, E.; Norman, A.; Nosek, T.; Oksuzian, Y.; Olshevskiy, A.; Olson, T.; Paley, J.; Patterson, R. B.; Pawloski, G.; Pershey, D.; Petrova, O.; Petti, R.; Phan-Budd, S.; Plunkett, R. K.; Potukuchi, B.; Principato, C.; Psihas, F.; Radovic, A.; Rameika, R. A.; Rebel, B.; Rojas, P.; Ryabov, V.; Sachdev, K.; Samoylov, O.; Sanchez, M. C.; Sepulveda-Quiroz, J.; Shanahan, P.; Sheshukov, A.; Singh, P.; Singh, V.; Smith, E.; Smolik, J.; Snopok, P.; Solomey, N.; Song, E.; Sousa, A.; Soustruznik, K.; Strait, M.; Suter, L.; Talaga, R. L.; Tas, P.; Thayyullathil, R. B.; Thomas, J.; Tiras, E.; Tognini, S. C.; Torbunov, D.; Tripathi, J.; Tsaris, A.; Torun, Y.; Urheim, J.; Vahle, P.; Vasel, J.; Vinton, L.; Vokac, P.; Vold, A.; Vrba, T.; Wang, B.; Warburton, T. K.; Wetstein, M.; Whittington, D.; Wojcicki, S. G.; Wolcott, J.; Yang, S.; Yu, S.; Zalesak, J.; Zamorano, B.; Zwaska, R.
American Physical Society
Book Title
Physical Review D;v.98:no.3
PubMed ID