The Sunflower, v.43, no.32 (April 28, 1938)

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , McKinley, L. M.
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.43, no.32, Wichita, Kansas, April 28, 1938. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Alpha Tau, Alpha Gam lead field -- Three University musical groups plan programs -- Powell to head Kappa Delta PIS -- Reporters begin work on 'extra' -- Unusual college supports itself -- Students leave to examine oil fields in south -- McKinley is head of new society -- Youth has right to desire peace -- Small high schools are hindering state -- Three men to talk in convo here -- Jardines return Thursday from 1,150 mile jaunt -- Grassy campus promised with resodding work -- Three elections: Still no leader -- Student council takes petitions of rival camps -- Education grads get placements -- Jardine to help Winfield group solve problems -- Kiwanis Club plans vocational guidance -- Melcher is elected as May Queen -- Players to give 'Penny Wise' at K. U. on April 29 -- Forgotten constitution brings grief to council -- Five men, five women named as honor sudents for 1938 by last years membership -- Minister, judge named speakers for graduation -- Library exhibits rare old books -- German pictures will be shown here on May 2 -- Final exam period may be changed -- The last add / Kathleen Hite -- Barb group meets meets for vital business -- Conant, Harvard president, says exams are poor -- R.O.T.C. bandmen will leave for tour Wednesday -- Collegiate world -- Brosius has lunch with first lady of the land -- Gordon's pupils in recital here -- Y.M. cabinet plans retreat for May 5 -- Onsgard gives talk to Junior Hadassah -- Debate coach gets $200 speech award -- French club gives annual play May 9 -- Mildred Hall will be "crowned" May 18 -- Grad gossip -- Dickinson requires extra-curriculars -- Barbs set date for final group party as Friday -- Former Alpha Tau tells engagement-- Phi Sigs entertain at Friday buffet -- Roundabout -- Panhellenic dance is success -- Art club plans dinner-dance in Commons room -- Jardine addresses Men's Supper Club -- Commercial Club conducts spring banquet April 23 -- Sorosis play is Saturday evening -- Scabbard, Blade dinner-dance is scheduled Friday -- University senior tells engagement -- Journalists set May 12 as date of a staff dinner -- Freshmen reduce deficit by mixer -- Kappa Rho dinner dance in May 15 -- Kansas weeklies arrive by score for competition -- Pi Alph to have dinner-dance at Allis on Saturday -- Dartmouth sets three-year plan for fraternities -- Present date May Day celebrations ignore pole-winding, basket hanging -- Pi Alph, Gammas, and Holyoke Hall lead in softball -- Sports wise / Katy Dedrick -- Math group to hold last meeting today -- Two local teams will be tested in Drake relays -- Washburn's play day attracts 18 -- Modern rifle range is at disposal of students -- The sporting thing / Charles E. Poe -- Tennis and golf tournaments on -- Men's rifle team elects new officers -- Sororities need four archers in coming tourney -- Women's group elects officers -- Move made for school loyalty -- Two rivals play softball game Tuesday evening -- M'Kinley, Fletcher attend conference -- Rarick postpones softball games -- W.U. mile relay team is second at Kansas meet -- Tennis and golf men leave for matches Friday -- Golf returns -- Five girls will go to O.U.
Photograph(s): Charles Kinney, Max Milbourn, Dick Price, Jack Chapman, John Glades, Virginia Marsh, Buelah Barrett, Betty Gensch, Phyllis Powell, Eleanor Martin. p. 1 -- [Kathleen] Hite. p. 2 -- Will be hostess: Violet Eckoff, art instructor and speaker of Pi Beta Chi, will be the hostess of the artists' dinner dance to be held Saturday the Pine Room in the Commons Building. p. 3 -- Arranger: Lewis Garrett heads the committee in charge of the annual Scabbard and Blade dinner dance to be held Friday at the Hotel Lassen. p. 3 -- Oldest dinner dance: Chairman is Harry Waldron who is busy putting the finishing touches on the plans for the Pi Alpha Pi spring dinner dance to be held this year at the Hotel Allis on Saturday. p. 3 -- [Katy] Dedrick. p. 4 -- [Charles E.] Poe. p. 4
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.43 no.32
PubMed ID