The Sunflower, v.54, no.04 (September 30, 1948)

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Gunning, Ken , Radio stations , WUCR , Student Council elections
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.54, no.4, Wichita, Kansas, September 30, 1948. - 8 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Frosh kills self while cleaning gun: Funeral for Dale Priest planned in Mound City; Death termed accidental -- Military frat will march -- Boo!: Karloff to lose job when students vote for 'Ugly Male' title -- Morale!: Wheaties plan rally at city airfield for Shocker squad -- ROTC eliminees may now re-enroll -- Johnson given 'Story' lead; Williams to play Mike Connor -- National attention is centered on campus orchestra leader / Bob Olson -- Style show is tomorrow -- Light ballot is recorded in election -- Midget plane in air race -- Money available now from ISA book sale -- Drama group tells plans -- Mexico Indian items displayed in Library -- Shocker sketches: Trimble's terrors look promising as season progresses -- Round about the campus -- WUCR gives first show -- Rifle teams begin drills -- Pick one: Better students in Georgia college can choose their profs -- Sorosis pledges honored by 'Autumn Nocturne' dance -- Foreign war brides are special guests at UNESCO meeting -- Prizes offered for naming W.U. decal -- Men of Webster frat takes new pledges -- A step in the right direction -- Students observe and teach under teacher training plan -- Study: Outstanding scholars succeed in society according to survey -- Typed on a Wednesday: Ugh! This is-um sad story about-um great Indian nation / Bob Ames -- High Q!: Tennessee veterans show increase in I.Q. average rating -- Universities over the nation in need of building space -- Pi Kappa Psi has birthday -- Payday!: Vets pay shortages should be reported to registrar office -- Shockers to meet heavy line in Bradley contest Saturday -- Flashy!: Air-minded Shockers impress supporters in season opener / Bob Ames -- Varsity cage drills will start Monday -- School may form wrestling squad -- Cagers face tough job -- Intramural games start -- Drake team looks good -- Five accept federal jobs -- Freshmen to tour Library this week -- Accountants to hold term's first meeting in Library, Tuesday -- Librarians hold meeting -- Campus parking lot to get gravel soon
Photograph(s): Winners in Friday's election for five vacant proportional representative posts on the Student Council are Vincent Gotti, Men of Webster; Dick Haughton, Phi Sig; Dick Muller, Alpha Gamm; Pat Taylor, Sorosis and Betty Knock, Alpha Tau. p. 1 -- Mickey Johnson, Don Williams, Deloras Brown. p. 1 -- Cage coach Ken Gunning. p. 7
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.54 no.4
PubMed ID