The Sunflower, v.65, no.33 (February 21, 1961)

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Spyers-Duran, Peter
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.65, no.33, Wichita, Kansas, February 21, 1961. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Aid measure goes to Senate for debate: Favorable vote expected during week -- Farmer / Vaughn Sink -- Basketball game set for seniors -- NIT bid at stake in Thursday Bradley battle / Tommy Vanderhoofven -- Wunsch tells Sunflower, aid action near -- Dr. Buess joins WU chem staff -- Time change listed for SFB lecture -- University players to present O'Casey tradgey [sic] March 2-1 -- Here Monday: Date moved up for journey to campus by legislature -- Editorial views: A brighter prospectus; A commanding week -- Symphony to play Kreter's work tonight -- It's a woman's world: Coeds play important part in Engineering Open House / Elvira Valenzuela -- Lending library is formed on campus -- Initiation held for pledges -- Problems in campus attire confronted by modern coed -- Women's news section: The social set -- Center communique / Dave Davidson -- Application deadline set for scholarships, Queen entries -- Two Shocker debate squads to see action -- 3 Sunflower jobs available -- Top AFROTC cadet post to Hebert
Photograph(s): Engineering senior Dan Aeschliman sits at the controls of one of the devices which will be on display during the annual Engineering Open House. p. 1 -- Women in engineering: Dolores Covey, left and Maru McMullen, right, check over a cathode ray tube tester which will be displayed during the two-day School of Engineering Open House Feb. 24 and 25. p. 2 -- AWS Fashion Fair tea: University women go through the refreshment line at the annual AWS Freshman Board Fashion Fair. p. 3 -- Circulation librarian Peter Spyers-Duran explains the Library's map collection to Glenda Gray, Liberal Arts sophomore. p. 4
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.65 no.33
PubMed ID