The Sunflower, 1931-1932, no.27, March 30, 1932

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Lieurance, Thurlow, 1878-1963 , Rydjord, John
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.37, no.27, Wichita, Kansas, March 30, 1932. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Easter talk feature of convocation -- Students active in church music -- Rydjord, Wall go to Texas meeting -- Debaters go to national meet -- Army prepares for inspection -- Players to give R.U.R. this week -- Geology head attends meet -- Hekhuis speaks at B'nai B'rith meet -- Walter, Johnson awarded prize for May Day sketch -- Disease adds to Turkey's plight -- Rate fraternity year book sales -- Literature helps remove ill will -- Make nominations for "Y" officers -- University wants child prodigies -- Instructors for summer are chosen -- Ask students to aid unemployed -- University artists appear on program -- Y.W.C.A. elects Genevieve Wright -- Supreme Court hears graduate -- Vandals must pay for work -- Public band concerts to be presented -- Hearst trophy match started -- German magazine accepts article -- Educational revolution rocks Oregon University -- Student sculptor models Lieurance -- European youth ahead mentally -- Drake to suspend students for cuts -- University makes study of deceit -- He speaks to his adored one / Kay Bowdish -- Name new Santa Clara president -- Football men smaller than thirty years ago -- Blacklist co-ed for man's role -- See decrease in drinking at Harvard -- Shocker society: Spring supper dance to be held Friday; Phi Upsilon Sigma entertains Mr. Duggan; Political Science Club of Friends guests at dinner; Fraternities and sororities; Install new Y.W. cabinet members this afternoon; Varsity will be leap year event; Rydjord appears before book club; German Club to hear of travels of Miss E. Apel; University Players pledge five at last meeting held -- Leaders trained from gifted few -- Two views expressed at education meeting -- Williams instigates drastic sports move -- Shockers meet Bethel College at Newton in dual Friday -- Track squad chosen to battle Bethel in first meet of the year -- Spring grid practice starts at Washburn -- W.H.S.E. defeats Shocker golfers -- Editor attacks liberal beliefs -- Individualism is now out of date -- Schedule twenty-one events for Kanas relays -- Civil War texts violent in tone -- German U. duel corps get court approval -- Women's sports / Dorothea Kyle --Urging U.S. to cooperate with league assembly -- Tradition of Hell Week is attacked -- Women's team enters March tank meet
Photograph(s): Speaker: Above is Msgr. William M. Farrell, rector of St. Marys [sic], and one of the city's prominent clergymen. Father Farrell addressed the student body in convocation today. / Courtesy Wichita Eagle. p. 1 - Director: Pictured here is Walter Duerkson, director of the university band. He will direct the organization in the coming public concerts planned by the musicians. / Courtesy Wichita Eagle. p. 1 -- Student product: Above is shown a bust of Dean Lieurance, head of the Fine Arts college of the University. This bust is the product of John Myers, student in the art department of the University. / Courtesy Wichita Eagle. p. 2 -- Sorority pledge: Shown above is Mary Marlys Mallison, who was recently pledged to Omega Upsilon, national dramatic sorority. Miss Mallison is enrolled in the College of Fine Arts. She formerly attended the University of Kansas. Her home is in Augusta, Kansas. / Courtesy Wichita Beacon. p. 3 -- Pledge: Miss Alberta Watkins, junior in the college of Fine Arts is a newly chosen pledge of Unversity Players, honorary dramatics organization of the university. / Courtesy Wichita Beacon. p. 3 -- Grid champs start spring practice. p. 4 -- City champion: Miss Dorothy Evans, city amateur women's golf champion and runnerup in the last Kansas state meet, who is a star golfer at the University of Wichita. p. 4
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.37 no.27
PubMed ID