The Sunflower, v.52, no.07 (October 31, 1946)

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Morrison, Theodore H. , Parking violation fines , Homecoming , Shocker Stadium , Student Council , Student Union proposal , Student Union building
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.52, no.7, Wichita, Kansas, October 31, 1946. - 7 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): University band goes to Topeka: 200 game tickets go on sale in Business Office today for $1.25 -- Will select pic royalty: Parnassus to honor Prince and Princess -- Collection of rare books is housed in University Library -- Ride 'em cowboy -- Traffic rule into effect: Car tagging to start change violators fee -- Shock picks yell leaders -- Rules for varsities announced; group will approve plan -- Election is Friday: Queen, union up for vote by students -- Homecoming recalls to mind 'good old days' of yesteryear -- Auditions continuing for staff positions on radio station WU -- Play sports large cast -- Instructor receives prize in art show -- Student building -- Veterans' news / Dean Campbell -- Grad gossip -- Typed on a Wednesday / William Fein -- Catholics to issue membership cards -- Russia is discussion for I.R.C. meet -- Alpha Gams plan dance -- Gala Halloween feed held by sororities -- Roundabout the campus -- Mu Phi to initiate pledges at service -- Dance held by Phi Sigs -- First recital tomorrow -- Logopedics opens citizenship school at University -- Whan releases new research studies -- Rifle team positions open for competition -- Members of faculty will attend meetings throughout Kansas -- W.U. tangles with unbeaten Ichabods: Shockers out to win at Topeka -- Shocker sidelights / Lester Rosen -- Four teams play today: Phi Sig 'A' team in touch football lead -- I.S.A. women defeat Pi Kaps in soccer -- 62 players on W.U. team
Photograph(s): [Pat] Suhm, above; [Jerry] Baumgardner, right. p. 1 -- Freshman ends who will be probable starters at the game with Washburn in Topeka this Saturday night are Jack Hazlett (86), right end, and Tom Allen (35), left end, pictured above. p. 7
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.52 no.7
PubMed ID