The Sunflower, v.48, no.17 (February 4, 1943)

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Issue Date
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Lieurance, Thurlow, 1878-1963 , Lamont, Harry K.
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.48, no.17, Wichita, Kansas, February 4, 1943. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Concert will honor the late H. K. Lamont -- Costello named to committee -- Rydjord to speak at club meeting -- Independent pix schedule is given -- Lieurance writes new music article -- W.U. enters archery meet -- All-school election to be held Friday in Commons lounge -- Noone announces I.S.A. committee -- Wilner chooses cast for comedy -- U.S. meteorologist to interview here -- Fifty C.A.A. boys are on campus -- Go to polls or keep still -- Excess money is threat -- Too much propaganda -- Shocker shots / Olberding -- Grad writes from New Guinea -- Typed on a Wednesday / Dick Gavitt -- University bulletins -- Collegiate digest -- Roundabout the campus / Graham's Slams -- Gingrich, Morris, Wertz chosen as queen candidates -- Wilkie is present at Kansas council -- Matrix will hold initiation services -- Home Ec to have date night dinner -- Shockers face Quakers next -- Shockers lose to Southwestern -- Shocker quintet wins 2 games -- Women's sports / Mary Frances Jameson -- Intramural cage games continue
Photograph(s): New portrait of Lamont: Prof. Clayton Henri Staples finished this new portrait of the late Henry Lamont of the University College of Fine Arts. p. 1 -- Get your ticket here: Just drop around and see one of these five girls in this picture and purchase your ticket to the H.Y.M. Dance, Friday, February 12. The girls are, from left to right: Shirley Nichols, Alpha Tau Sigma; Harriet Woerner, I.S.A; Lois Howard, Delta Omega; Wanda Cline, Pi Kappa Psi; and Marjorie Purnell, Sorosis. Charlene McFadden, Epsilon Kappa Rho, is not pictured. p. 1 -- [Dick] Gavitt. p. 2 -- Look! Men galore: Really taking the theme of the HYM seriously is Charlene McFadden, ticket -seller of Epsilon Kappa Rho, who is hauling Doyle Koontz to the date bureau. Under the supervision of Mary Lou Southworth, Bill Berkowitz and Bill Cochran are signing their names on the available list. Carol Whitehead and Marge Johnson are in charge of the bureau. p. 3 -- Bidwell leaves: Charles "Ab" Bidwell, for the past five months physical education instructor, has been commissioned a lieutenant in the naval reserve and ordered to report for duty February 11 at Chapel Hill, N.C. p. 4
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.48 no.17
PubMed ID