The Sunflower, v.72, no.04 (October 3, 1967)

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Erickson, James E. , Sarachek, Alvin , Van Walleghen, Michael, 1938-
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower, v.72 no.4. Wichita, Kansas, October 3, 1967. - 12 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Casting completed for opening University Theatre production -- 'The Odd Couple' set to run this week -- TV's 'Napoleon Solo' to hit Viet conflict -- 'House of Scorpion' offers peace, food for the hungry / Ken Ham -- Public awareness is narrowing 'gullibility gap,' news chief says -- Asmann, Christian win Varsity Sue-Sam ballot -- YWCA selects WSU for state conference -- Gregory knocks 'civil wrongs’ says he'll run for president / Tom McVey -- WSU alumni meets in K.C -- It's going to be a problem -- Spanish Dept. holds Concurso for students -- Students foce possibility of losing long term government loans -- Filing deadline set for freshmen officers -- Army Blues to sponsor U.S. chorus -- Governor to speak at K-State -- WSU English professor’s poem chosen best published in 1966 -- Congressman Hughes goes to Washington -- Two weeks to street completion -- Phi Delta Theta takes overall in Nightshirt -- Dr. Sarochek receives grant -- JFK film scheduled as part of series -- Loesser set to present concert here -- President asks cooperation -- Philosophy Club opens membership -- SGA vacancies need interested WSU students -- Woodrow Wilson Fellowships given through Experimental Program -- WSU Band Day next Saturday -- Regular grade system eliminated by college -- Shockers successul in David-Goliath duel / Mike Kiser -- Hays, Haskell cop CC wins -- Kiser's Korner / Mike Kiser -- Frosh gridders down, coach says, ‘not long’
Photograph(s): Two pair: Four members of the cast of "The Odd Couple" are playing poker in a scene from the play to be presented Oct. 3-7. Left to right are Dr. James E. Erickson, assistant professor of English, Major Russell Youngblood of McConnell Air Force Base, Lyle Talbot, guest star, and Richard Smith. p. 1 -- Greg Barnes, owner of the House of Scorpion prepares for opening. p. 1 -- Gregory uses humor: Comedian Dick Gregory used humor as a weapon in his address in the WSU Field House last night. p. 3 -- Chours to appear: The Soldiers' Chorus, under the direction of Sgt. MAj. Eugene Coughlin, will perform at WSU Ot. 18. p. 5 -- National winner: Michael Van Walleghen, WSU English associate professor, wins first prize in poetry. p.6 -- Greek Pledges compete in WSU Nightshirt Parade photo essay / photos by Ron Wilson -- Shocker quarterback John Eckman gets key block from unidentified WSY player and prepares to run or pass for several of the 140 yards in total offense he picked up Saturday night, as the Shockers blasted Drake, 46-13, at Veterans Field. p. 11
Wichita State University
Book Title
The Sunflower; v.72 no.4
PubMed ID