2018-04-23 Faculty Senate meeting
Faculty Senate
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Shared governance document
Wichita State University , Faculty Senate , Shared governance , Meeting Agenda , Meeting minutes
Faculty Senate. Agenda and minutes of the meeting of April 23, 2018. -- Faculty Senate Meetings, 2017-2018, v.31
Table of Contents
Agenda: (President's report): Online Course change proposal system -- Budget Advisory Council - updated report -- (Committee reports): Provost Search Committee update / Betty Smith Campbell -- Rules -- Faculty Compensation Committee -- Revisions Committee - Honors rep: Roy Myose; Student rep: Shelby Rowell; Advisors (ex officio); Registrar (ex officio) -- Accessibility Committee report and proposal / John Jones -- (Old business): FYS proposal - 2nd reading: Recommendation that pilot proposal from 2015 be adopted as a required component of the curriculum for incoming freshmen starting in Fall
2019 -- Academic Honesty policy - 2nd reading: 2.17 Policy -- Procedures -- Flow chart diagram -- (New business): Update on Qualified Admission (KBOR) / Bobby Gandu -- (Attendance)
Attachments: President's Report - Budget Advisory Council: Update Report -- Accessibility Notes for the Faculty Senate -- First Year Seminar (FYS) Proposal - 2nd reading -- Academic Honesty Policy - 2nd reading: Student Academic Integrity Process Procedures; Flow Chart Diagram -- Update on Board Goal on Qualified Admissions
Minutes: Summary of action: Unanimously approved the following Statement as proposed by the Ad Hoc Committee on Textbooks and Accessibility: The Faculty at Wichita State University are committed to providing the highest quality instruction for all students. As a part of that commitment, we make continual efforts to seek new information and methods to teach in our subject areas; Instructional content at WSU is the responsibility of the faculty teaching each individual course; the accessibility of that content is also the responsibility of that faculty, and as we do many other critical issues, we will take accessibility into account as we consider textbooks, resources, and tools for our classes. Accessibility is not the only consideration when choosing a text, but we understand its importance to our students, and we are committed to making accessible choices when they are available and the choice does not have a negative impact on the quality of the course in other ways; We will discuss the need for accessibility with publishers when we have the opportunity; We will learn what we can about accessible instruction – both in general as it is being made available by the university, and from other leaders in our fields of study; Approved alternative motion from the floor to pilot the FYS program for AY 2018-19 and AY 2019-20, with a decision to be made in Spring 2020 to determine if the program will become a permanent part of the curriculum beginning in Fall 2021 with a vote of 22-4-3; Approved revisions to Policy 2.17 on Academic Integrity recommended by the Ad Hoc Academic Integrity committee, with a vote of 21-6-2 -- (President's report): Congrats to our Faculty recipients of the President’s Distinguished Service award: Achita Muthiachareon, Kirsten Johnson, and Paul Ackerman -- President’s Budget Advisory Council -- AOC Meeting – Looking at final plans for Student Health and Counseling and Testing. Looking at effects of bundling these services -- Librarians working on accessibility of databases -- Members of Revisions Committee: Non-voting members include the three advisors and associate registrar -- CIM – online curriculum change forms. Training to be offered in fall -- Idea Generator update: 52 different suggestions were vetted by committee -- Provost candidates will visit this week -- May 4 Faculty awards and General Faculty Meeting -- May 7 (1st Monday) Final senate meeting/Executive Committee election -- Shockin’ Fun Friday: Faculty/staff picnic June 1, sponsored by Student Affairs -- (Committee reports): Provost Search Committee update / Betty Smith Campbell -- Rules: Committees need to elect chairs for next year -- Accessibility Committee report and proposal / John Jones -- (Ol.d business): FYS proposal - 2nd reading -- Academic Integrity policy - 2nd reading -- (New business): Update on Qualified Admission (KBOR) / Bobby Gandu
Attachments: President's Report - Budget Advisory Council: Update Report -- Accessibility Notes for the Faculty Senate -- First Year Seminar (FYS) Proposal - 2nd reading -- Academic Honesty Policy - 2nd reading: Student Academic Integrity Process Procedures; Flow Chart Diagram -- Update on Board Goal on Qualified Admissions
Minutes: Summary of action: Unanimously approved the following Statement as proposed by the Ad Hoc Committee on Textbooks and Accessibility: The Faculty at Wichita State University are committed to providing the highest quality instruction for all students. As a part of that commitment, we make continual efforts to seek new information and methods to teach in our subject areas; Instructional content at WSU is the responsibility of the faculty teaching each individual course; the accessibility of that content is also the responsibility of that faculty, and as we do many other critical issues, we will take accessibility into account as we consider textbooks, resources, and tools for our classes. Accessibility is not the only consideration when choosing a text, but we understand its importance to our students, and we are committed to making accessible choices when they are available and the choice does not have a negative impact on the quality of the course in other ways; We will discuss the need for accessibility with publishers when we have the opportunity; We will learn what we can about accessible instruction – both in general as it is being made available by the university, and from other leaders in our fields of study; Approved alternative motion from the floor to pilot the FYS program for AY 2018-19 and AY 2019-20, with a decision to be made in Spring 2020 to determine if the program will become a permanent part of the curriculum beginning in Fall 2021 with a vote of 22-4-3; Approved revisions to Policy 2.17 on Academic Integrity recommended by the Ad Hoc Academic Integrity committee, with a vote of 21-6-2 -- (President's report): Congrats to our Faculty recipients of the President’s Distinguished Service award: Achita Muthiachareon, Kirsten Johnson, and Paul Ackerman -- President’s Budget Advisory Council -- AOC Meeting – Looking at final plans for Student Health and Counseling and Testing. Looking at effects of bundling these services -- Librarians working on accessibility of databases -- Members of Revisions Committee: Non-voting members include the three advisors and associate registrar -- CIM – online curriculum change forms. Training to be offered in fall -- Idea Generator update: 52 different suggestions were vetted by committee -- Provost candidates will visit this week -- May 4 Faculty awards and General Faculty Meeting -- May 7 (1st Monday) Final senate meeting/Executive Committee election -- Shockin’ Fun Friday: Faculty/staff picnic June 1, sponsored by Student Affairs -- (Committee reports): Provost Search Committee update / Betty Smith Campbell -- Rules: Committees need to elect chairs for next year -- Accessibility Committee report and proposal / John Jones -- (Ol.d business): FYS proposal - 2nd reading -- Academic Integrity policy - 2nd reading -- (New business): Update on Qualified Admission (KBOR) / Bobby Gandu
Wichita State University
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Wichita State University Faculty Senate Archives