The Sunflower, v.42, no.23 (February 25, 1937)

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Wall, Hugo, 1901-1975
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.42, no.23, Wichita, Kansas, February 25, 1937. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Senior class determined of new course of action: Reed outlines spring program – Cage team plays Ft. Hays tonight: Tigers invade Wichita court -- Military group to select men by new method -- Rogers, Malone to semi-finals in conference -- Court controversy in national spotlight -- Debaters go to Iowa City, Kansas State -- President speaks at Kansas State -- Alpha Gams, Delta Omega win awards -- Barrett will instruct army training camp -- Remodeling of gym halted as funds run out -- New Duerksen band practice schedule set -- Hillbrand wins new home site -- Class tells Dr. Rydjord how to cure is 'sniffles' -- Wall leaves to conduct U. forums -- First showing 'Double Door' next Thursday -- Library lists best articles -- School musicians in music concert -- Dramatics contests afford students chance to participate -- Finding book should follow with its return to owner -- Wall leaves for Pennsylvania; will conduct public forums -- The last add / Kathleen Hite -- Collegiate world -- Farbstein decides name of Smith is popular one -- Campus work ushers spring -- St. Patrick's theme used for barb party -- Kappa Rho has spring party -- Delta Epsilon meets this afternoon, Feb. 25 -- Lolie Smith speaks at Hypatia meeting – President announced date of junior prom -- Pre-medics have meeting Wednesday -- University graduate is married Saturday -- Delta Omega has 'Bowery ' party -- Former student is married in Arizona -- Prominent couple is married Sunday -- Lisbeth Carney gives party for Alpha Tau -- O.C.U. team plays here next week -- Girls place in rifle matches -- Sunflower picks all-Central team -- The sporting thing / Floyd Sintz -- Flames to try to lift crown of gridsters -- W.A.A. to vote on constitution revision soon -- Officials seek game with K.U. -- Women's sport glances / Laura Howard
Photograph(s): Candidate: Miss Lillian Parks has been chosen to represent this University as a candidate for one of six scholarships offered to graduate students by the University of Kansas. p. 1 -- Political science instructor: When Dr. Hugo Wall (left) leaves for Pennsylvania tomorrow in conduct a ten weeks Public Forum his classes will be taken over by Karl A. Bosworth (right) of the University of Kansas. p. 1 -- [Kathleen] Hite. p. 2 -- Miss Marguarite McCluer, popular member of Pi Kappa Psi sorority, will preside as hostess in the Boston Store First Floor Shoe Salon this Saturday. p. 2 -- Party committeemen: Miss Laurece Chandler, a member of Epsilon Kappa Rho, who is chairman of the committee in charge of the sorority's Spring Sport Dance, to be held tomorrow evening, Miss Mina Jean Gillespie, right, is a member of the committee in charge of Delta Omega's "Bowery" party, which is to be Saturday evening. p. 3
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.42 no.23
PubMed ID