The Sunflower, v.42, no.28 (April 1, 1937)
Issue Date
Archival material
Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.42, no.28, Wichita, Kansas, April 1, 1937 - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Students vote on amendment tomorrow: Plurality rule new proposal -- 'Land's End' presented in auditorium tomorrow -- Drama meet will be held on Saturday -- Hippodrome will be on April 9 -- Huxman puts signature on new tax bill -- Kappa Delta Pi has tri-state meeting -- Discovery wins Fletcher special police commission -- Announce selection of honor students -- Army will soon undergo annual federal exams -- Moore wins gold medal -- Social groups reorganize at Texas meeting -- Elliott speaks for Oklahoma business men -- Jardine talks at agricultural meet -- The 'bugs' can still get you: better watch out! / Bill McDowell -- Kansas State science meet attracts nine -- England explains voting systems -- Forum speaker will be unable to come here -- School report issued by regent board -- Taggert is at Colorado meet -- Board appoints Lois Carpenter as desk editor -- Wilkie leads women's group -- Juvenile pledge ordeals are abolished in new Purdue plan -- Political reforms this year are praiseworthy -- Learning to enjoy spring art of college education -- The last add / Kathleen Hite -- Collegiate world – University bulletin -- Little Theatre observes fortieth year of drama -- Former university students are here -- Allman to take photo course -- Millham heads weekly paper -- Sharpshooters lead in match -- R.O.T.C. equipment inspected today -- Kappa Delta Pi has initiation -- Phi Sig will entertain popular band leader -- Bus push ends in curb strike -- Chips will be honored today -- Artist will appear here -- Poet will be writers guest -- IIlinois school will exhibit Bowers art -- Roundabout -- Wedding vows for former students to be in spring -- Gay spring motifs for Webster party -- Forensic meet for all school is postponed -- School party to be April 3 -- Pledges of Beta Nu to have novel party --D.O.'s to be given dinner by mothers -- French Club to have annual spring dinner -- Shockers goes to Hays for initial meet -- Wichita tennis teams to play in ten games -- Letters given in two sports -- Golfers begin practice for Aggie contest -- Coaches vote to eliminate 'center jump' -- The sporting thing / Roger Baker -- School competes in rifle match -- Women's Sport Glances / Laura Howard
Article(s): Students vote on amendment tomorrow: Plurality rule new proposal -- 'Land's End' presented in auditorium tomorrow -- Drama meet will be held on Saturday -- Hippodrome will be on April 9 -- Huxman puts signature on new tax bill -- Kappa Delta Pi has tri-state meeting -- Discovery wins Fletcher special police commission -- Announce selection of honor students -- Army will soon undergo annual federal exams -- Moore wins gold medal -- Social groups reorganize at Texas meeting -- Elliott speaks for Oklahoma business men -- Jardine talks at agricultural meet -- The 'bugs' can still get you: better watch out! / Bill McDowell -- Kansas State science meet attracts nine -- England explains voting systems -- Forum speaker will be unable to come here -- School report issued by regent board -- Taggert is at Colorado meet -- Board appoints Lois Carpenter as desk editor -- Wilkie leads women's group -- Juvenile pledge ordeals are abolished in new Purdue plan -- Political reforms this year are praiseworthy -- Learning to enjoy spring art of college education -- The last add / Kathleen Hite -- Collegiate world – University bulletin -- Little Theatre observes fortieth year of drama -- Former university students are here -- Allman to take photo course -- Millham heads weekly paper -- Sharpshooters lead in match -- R.O.T.C. equipment inspected today -- Kappa Delta Pi has initiation -- Phi Sig will entertain popular band leader -- Bus push ends in curb strike -- Chips will be honored today -- Artist will appear here -- Poet will be writers guest -- IIlinois school will exhibit Bowers art -- Roundabout -- Wedding vows for former students to be in spring -- Gay spring motifs for Webster party -- Forensic meet for all school is postponed -- School party to be April 3 -- Pledges of Beta Nu to have novel party --D.O.'s to be given dinner by mothers -- French Club to have annual spring dinner -- Shockers goes to Hays for initial meet -- Wichita tennis teams to play in ten games -- Letters given in two sports -- Golfers begin practice for Aggie contest -- Coaches vote to eliminate 'center jump' -- The sporting thing / Roger Baker -- School competes in rifle match -- Women's Sport Glances / Laura Howard
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.42 no.28
v.42 no.28