The Sunflower, v.71, no.45 (March 14, 1967)

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Sowards, J. Kelley (Jesse Kelley), 1924- , Omega Psi Phi
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower, v.71 no.45. Wichita, Kansas, March 14, 1967. -12 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Students are gaining more power in University decision-making / Bob Jordan -- SGA election dates will be in mid-April / Kris Burgerhoff -- Amos elected moderator of newly formed group -- Uproar is caused by possible visit of Nazi leader -- Ugly Man on Campus gain $65.00 on first voting day -- WSU coalition to protest proceedings at convention / Sue Lynch -- Liberal Arts College Dean co-author of new series -- National Negro fraternity recently established here / Della Reeves -- Five Wichita musicians will receive scholarships -- Robt. Havighurst to give 2 talks on WSU campus -- AFROTC Color Guard displays drill excellence in appearances / Marilyn Ruggles -- 'Church Key' called success -- Chester I. Lewis to speak here -- Philosophy prof. guest of forum -- Blood drive falls short of goal this semester -- Monk's talk concerns Episcopal movement -- Nagrin uses modern dance to face problems of life -- Play review: 'The [sic] Would Be Gentlemen' termed failure due to new generation / Garry Moore -- Eleven students represent WSU as UN delegates -- PriImary elections to be held today -- A primary responsibility -- Congressman defends proposal, wants silent members to speak -- Letters from campus / Lester E. Mood -- Ice skaters to perform at Field House -- Faculty concert will star Rust in piano recital -- Students travel to New Mexico to study war -- New program begun by Republican Party -- Prisoner James Hoffa finds new world behind bars holds many restrictions / Jean M. White -- Pearl Buck to speak Monday at East High -- Trade chief to be here this month -- Prof Von Ihering delivers lecture on translations / Jane Gilchrist -- Students will serve as guides for tours -- Sprague Gallery features theater building display -- Antrho Club hears prof -- Cities will meet in Wichita for discussion, work -- Kappa Alpha intramural champ -- Clark disturbed by JFK probe -- Prep standouts ink grid pact -- Kiser's korner / Mike Kiser -- Jarmillo seen as top man on Shocker tennis squad -- Thompson heads varsity golfers; Frosh squad called 'best ever'-- Shockers cagers on all-MVC team -- Burton takes third at NCAA indoor
Photograph(s): Uncaptioned photograph of AFROTC Color Guard marching in drill. Photo by Virgil Sinson. p. 1 -- Danny Nagrin entrances audience at Monday night's performance with his unique style and cat-like grace. p. 3
Wichita State University
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.71 no.45
PubMed ID