The Sunflower, v.47, no.01 (September 11, 1941)
Issue Date
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Automobile parking stickers , Varsity Crew
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.47, no.1. Wichita, Kansas, September 11, 1941. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Campus traffic regulated -- Evening classes are provided for employed -- Beebe is lawyer -- Bidwell visits here -- Freshmen choose officers -- Sunflower has style changes -- Grad to Evanston -- University has first all-college orchestra -- Six new faculty members chosen -- Special council election looms -- Students welcome cooler weather as classes open -- Frosh will elect Y.M. officers -- Pi Alpha Pi looks forward to new house near campus -- Student Forum plans big year -- Students to select 'Sweet Varsity Sue' at all-school mixer -- Deans release new honor list -- I.S.A. girls to honor freshman coeds -- Fall enrollment is near normal -- '41 summer session proves successful -- From an old Italian: Advice to new students -- Consider the Englishman and the taxes he must pay -- Typed on a Wednesday / Fred Higginson -- University bulletin -- Collegiate world / Associated Collegiate Press -- Shocker shots -- Grad totters to campus, finds it 'all still there' / Josephine Rice -- Alumni open membership drive -- Summer rushing period will end with full series of formal teas and dinners -- Roundabout the campus / Cattie Hattie -- Mixer to honor frosh students -- W.R.A. girls plan sports party for freshmen -- Sunflower editor gave Shockers their nickname -- Grid squad drills for first tilt -- Freshmen look good -- Plan opening of intramural sports season -- In a Shocker sports corner / Bill Hodge -- Greatest season ticket sale is in progress -- Ex-Shocker is drafted -- Y.W.C.A. plans tea -- Shocker football schedule '41 -- Palmer is speaker -- Troxel visits Wichita
Photograph(s): College president: "You have my best wishes for an enjoyable and profitable four years of college," President W.M. Jardine this week told the incoming freshman class. "We will not spoon-feed you, nor pamper you. You must stand on your own feet and face your problems as they arise with courage and determination. You will find this institution is not an educational nursery. We will give you all the time we can, offer your every advantage that is ours, and provide you with the best training at our command. The rest is up to you." p. 1 -- 'Varsity Crew' members prepare for debut: The personnel of the new all-student orchestra, the "Varsity Crew," is pictured above ready to commence rehearsal for the coming social season in which they are expected to play a large part. The Crew will be the last of four bands to appear a the first all-school mixer Friday night in Henrion Gymnasium, and this will also mark their first public appearance. Members of the band pictured above are, from left to right, standing - Jack Keys, drummer; Charles Enoch, trombone; F.D. Broadwater, sax; Bob Bashford, sax; Gordon Huey, trumpet; Bette Sheridan, vocalist; Everett Hull, sax; Bob Tindal, trumpet; and El Sullivan, sax. Seated at the left is "Skipper" Mahion Hawkins, leader and trumpet; and at the right is Bob Hamilton, piano. Not pictured are Gene Smith, bass, and Ted Survania, trombone. p. 1 -- Dinner chairmen: Here are the five girls who are planning to rush dinners today which bring to an end the summer rush season. Reading from left to right they are Mary Jane Merrill, Delta Omega; Billie Phillips, Epsilon Kappa Rho; Dorothy Thompson, Alpha Tau Sigma; Norma Webb, Pi Kappa Psi; and Virginia Williams, Sorosis. p. 3 -- New coaches: Four new coaches starting their first fall season as members of the University of Wichita athletic department are Eugene Ely, football line coach and track coach, Jack Sterrett, basketball and freshman football coach, Paul Nye, not pictured, and Dr. Laurence Morehouse. p. 4
Article(s): Campus traffic regulated -- Evening classes are provided for employed -- Beebe is lawyer -- Bidwell visits here -- Freshmen choose officers -- Sunflower has style changes -- Grad to Evanston -- University has first all-college orchestra -- Six new faculty members chosen -- Special council election looms -- Students welcome cooler weather as classes open -- Frosh will elect Y.M. officers -- Pi Alpha Pi looks forward to new house near campus -- Student Forum plans big year -- Students to select 'Sweet Varsity Sue' at all-school mixer -- Deans release new honor list -- I.S.A. girls to honor freshman coeds -- Fall enrollment is near normal -- '41 summer session proves successful -- From an old Italian: Advice to new students -- Consider the Englishman and the taxes he must pay -- Typed on a Wednesday / Fred Higginson -- University bulletin -- Collegiate world / Associated Collegiate Press -- Shocker shots -- Grad totters to campus, finds it 'all still there' / Josephine Rice -- Alumni open membership drive -- Summer rushing period will end with full series of formal teas and dinners -- Roundabout the campus / Cattie Hattie -- Mixer to honor frosh students -- W.R.A. girls plan sports party for freshmen -- Sunflower editor gave Shockers their nickname -- Grid squad drills for first tilt -- Freshmen look good -- Plan opening of intramural sports season -- In a Shocker sports corner / Bill Hodge -- Greatest season ticket sale is in progress -- Ex-Shocker is drafted -- Y.W.C.A. plans tea -- Shocker football schedule '41 -- Palmer is speaker -- Troxel visits Wichita
Photograph(s): College president: "You have my best wishes for an enjoyable and profitable four years of college," President W.M. Jardine this week told the incoming freshman class. "We will not spoon-feed you, nor pamper you. You must stand on your own feet and face your problems as they arise with courage and determination. You will find this institution is not an educational nursery. We will give you all the time we can, offer your every advantage that is ours, and provide you with the best training at our command. The rest is up to you." p. 1 -- 'Varsity Crew' members prepare for debut: The personnel of the new all-student orchestra, the "Varsity Crew," is pictured above ready to commence rehearsal for the coming social season in which they are expected to play a large part. The Crew will be the last of four bands to appear a the first all-school mixer Friday night in Henrion Gymnasium, and this will also mark their first public appearance. Members of the band pictured above are, from left to right, standing - Jack Keys, drummer; Charles Enoch, trombone; F.D. Broadwater, sax; Bob Bashford, sax; Gordon Huey, trumpet; Bette Sheridan, vocalist; Everett Hull, sax; Bob Tindal, trumpet; and El Sullivan, sax. Seated at the left is "Skipper" Mahion Hawkins, leader and trumpet; and at the right is Bob Hamilton, piano. Not pictured are Gene Smith, bass, and Ted Survania, trombone. p. 1 -- Dinner chairmen: Here are the five girls who are planning to rush dinners today which bring to an end the summer rush season. Reading from left to right they are Mary Jane Merrill, Delta Omega; Billie Phillips, Epsilon Kappa Rho; Dorothy Thompson, Alpha Tau Sigma; Norma Webb, Pi Kappa Psi; and Virginia Williams, Sorosis. p. 3 -- New coaches: Four new coaches starting their first fall season as members of the University of Wichita athletic department are Eugene Ely, football line coach and track coach, Jack Sterrett, basketball and freshman football coach, Paul Nye, not pictured, and Dr. Laurence Morehouse. p. 4
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.47 no.1
v.47 no.1