New lower background and higher rate technique for anti-neutrino detection using Tungsten 183 Isotope

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Novak, Jarred
Solomey, Nickolas
Hartsock, Brooks
Doty, Brian
Folkerts, Jonathan
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Detector modelling and simulations I (interaction of radiation with matter, interaction of photons with matter, interaction of hadrons with matter, etc); Neutrino detectors
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Novak, J., Solomey, N., Hartsock, B., Doty, B., Folkerts, J. New lower background and higher rate technique for anti-neutrino detection using Tungsten 183 Isotope. (2024). Journal of Instrumentation, 19 (6), art. no. P06037. DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/19/06/P06037

Low energy anti-neutrinos detected from reactors or other sources have typically used the conversion of an anti-neutrino on Hydrogen, producing a positron and a free neutron. This neutron is subsequently captured on a secondary element with a large neutron capture cross-section such as gadolinium or cadmium. With most neutron captures on gadolinium, it is possible to get two or three delayed gamma signals of known energy to occur. Modern experiments can make measurements with timing on the order of 25 ns. Fast electronics like these allow for the possibility of accessing the very fast signals from the nuclear de-excitation of a heavy nucleus following the prompt positron signal, rather than relying on traditional IBD techniques. We have found an isotope of tungsten, W that produces tantalum in the ground state at 2.094 MeV or the first excited state at 2.167 MeV. The excited state of Ta* emits a signature secondary gamma pulse of 73 keV with a 106 ns half-life. This offers a new delayed coincidence technique that can be used to identify anti-neutrinos with lower background noise. This allows for less shielding than required for modern inverse beta decay detectors. © 2024 IOP Publishing Ltd and Sissa Medialab.

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Journal of Instrumentation
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