2004-02-23 Faculty Senate meeting

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Faculty Senate
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Wichita State University , Faculty Senate , Shared governance , Meeting Agenda , Meeting minutes
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Faculty Senate. Agenda and minutes of the meeting of February 23, 2004. -- Faculty Senate Meetings, 2003-2004, v.17
Table of Contents
Agenda: (Informal statements and proposals) -- (President's report) -- (Committee reports): A Rules Committee / Will Klunder -- B. Exceptions Committee / Abu Masud -- (New business): A Roger Lowe, Vice President, Administration & Finance -- B. Handbook for Faculty revisions - Chapter 1, 1st reading / Scott Goldy -- C. Election of member of the Executive Committee - nominations will be received from the floor
Attachments: Handbook Chapter 1 -- Memo regarding plus/minus grading options / Senator Brooks -- Exceptions Committee Report to Faculty Senate
Minutes: Summary of action: 1. Accepted the following committee appointments -- (terms begin 6-1-04--end 6-1-07 unless noted): Academic Affairs - Abu Masud, Syed Taher; Court of Academic Appeals - David McDonald (full), Daowei Ma (alt); Exceptions - Kay Gibson, Rachel Crane; Faculty Affairs -- Lawrence Davis & Tim Quigley (3-1-04--6-1-07), Behnam Bahr, Martha Smith; Faculty Support - Jeff Quirin, Hyuck Kwon, Mary Lescoe-Long; General Education - Elizabeth Clarkson, Don Byrum, Kathy Lewis, Rosalind Scudder; Honors - Ann Hunter, Don Malzahn, Dharam Chopra; Library - Phil Parker, Ikram Ahmed; Rules - Barbara Hodson, JoLynne Campbell;Scholarship & Student Aid - Diane Scott, Gawad Nagati, Erach Talaty, Julie Bees; Undergraduate Research - Robin Pyle, Roy Myose; University Admissions Advisory - Joseph Mau, Ann Hunter, Tony Gythiel, Brien Bolin, Ravi Pendse, Russ Widener, Daowei Ma; University Curriculum - Peggy Jewell, Dan Williams -- 2. Accepted Mary Koehn as Senator, School of Nursing, completing the term of Kathy Gill-Hopple -- 3. Elected Joyce Cavarozzi to the Executive Committee to replace Silvia Herzog -- (Informal statements & proposals): A. Request for Senators to poll their departments regarding a +/- grading system / Senator Brooks -- (President's report): A. Election Nomination deadline for Senators representing departments is 2/25 -- B. Committee updates from the Court of Academic Appeals and Library committees -- C. February BOR -- COFSP meeting: 1. Morale survey-- 2. Request for faculty input on CEO evaluations -- (Committee reports): A. Rules Committee: Nominations in summary of action / Will Klunder -- B. Exceptions: Questions regarding International Students Exceptions and request that Academic Affairs design a policy dealing with the admission of International Students / Abu Masud -- C. Undergraduate Research: Announcement of Forum April 30 / Jeff Hershfield -- (New business): A. Roger Lowe, Vice President, Administration & Finance, answered questions: 1. State of Senate resolution about the use of Social Security Numbers being reviewed -- 2. Travel office additional charge for air tickets -- 3. Parking fees -- 4. Vehicle purchase -- 5. University Food Service -- B. Handbook for Faculty revisions -- C. Election of member to the Executive Committee
Wichita State University
Book Title
Wichita State University Faculty Senate Archives
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