The Sunflower, v.47, no.31 (April 23, 1942)
Issue Date
Archival material
Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , String Sinfonietta
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.47, no.31, Wichita, Kansas, April 23, 1942. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Cannon chosen by Shocker party for council presidency -- R.O.T.C. will compete for annual awards -- Speech unit buys machine -- Music students to campus for district festival -- Play day will be held at Friends -- University is chosen as naval training school -- Pi Kappa Psi will sponsor last contest varsity tonight -- Wheaties is invited to become member of national pep club -- Sinfonietta to give concert -- No election convo -- Eight compete in bridge tourney -- Mikesell to speak -- May Day plans completed by student council -- 'Y' delegates attend meeting -- Campus coalition nominates Isely for council presidency -- Plans now are under way for summer session -- Contracts for third year men will be decided -- Typing course will be offered -- Student groups given advice on treatment of faculty sponsors -- Plan of government for Germany if Allies are victorious is offered / Associated Collegiate Press -- Collegiate world / Associated Collegiate Press -- University bulletin -- Shocking news -- Typed on a Wednesday / Fred Higginson -- Shocker shots / McAuley -- W.U. class receives practical training in city government / Quentin Isely -- Library courses will be offered -- Reunion dinner needs volunteers -- Former and present students announce their engagements and marriages for coming spring months -- Roundabout the campus / Chatty Cathy -- I.S.A. girls will show styles tonight -- I.S.A. will hold April no-date mixer -- Reporter writes his story of wedding of society editor -- Chemistry Club to hold picnic -- Journalism picnic postponed to today -- Accident not serious -- W.R.A. will hold picnic next Monday -- Government to eliminate frills from feminine apparel -- Morehouse writes article -- Quartet will play at journalism dinner -- Sorosis to give style show Friday -- Wheatshockers will enter gigantic 33rd annual Drake relays -- Cahill Jones leads golfers in Missouri -- Tennis team will close trip Friday -- W.U. fencing team wins meet -- Morehouse to give course in ju-jitsu -- Intramurals to hold track meet -- Hold swimming meet at East -- Leading men of senior class are Blue Key members -- Softball teams to play double round-robin -- R.O.T.C. band gives program -- Art department has institute display -- Preview and review of sports / Bill Mendell -- Jayhawkers lose to Ft. Leavenworth -- Second Pi Alph frat is discovered in Connecticut school -- Former student to play leading role -- Emporia whips Shockers 86-45 -- Javelin throw may be abolished -- Cards and Yankees favored -- Gym shorts / Earline Duke -- Chess tournament will begin today -- Boudreau is young manager
Photograph(s): Shocker candidate: Tommy Cannon, University junior and member of Phi Upsilon Sigma, who has been selected by the Shocker Party as their candidate for president of the Student Council in the May 1 election. p. 1 -- Pledges pass through arch: Pledges of Scabbard and Blade, national military fraternity, were honored at a dinner given by the organization last week. A feature of the evening was the procession of the pledges and their guests through an arch formed by the drawn sabers of active members of the organization. p. 1 -- Wheaties president: Betty Richey. p. 1 -- Campus candidate: Quentin Isely. p. 1 -- Time out for bridge: Scholastic activities took a back seat for several hours yesterday as Gilleran Kendrick, Tommy Cannon, Bob Jones, Tom Kinkaid played in the National Intercollegiate Bridge Tournament. p. 1 -- Military pledge receives ensigne: Pictured above, Cadet Major Bob Allen, is presenting Cadet Sergeant Warren Tomlinson with his insignia as Mary Baker and Carolee Wilkins watch the ceremony. p. 3
Article(s): Cannon chosen by Shocker party for council presidency -- R.O.T.C. will compete for annual awards -- Speech unit buys machine -- Music students to campus for district festival -- Play day will be held at Friends -- University is chosen as naval training school -- Pi Kappa Psi will sponsor last contest varsity tonight -- Wheaties is invited to become member of national pep club -- Sinfonietta to give concert -- No election convo -- Eight compete in bridge tourney -- Mikesell to speak -- May Day plans completed by student council -- 'Y' delegates attend meeting -- Campus coalition nominates Isely for council presidency -- Plans now are under way for summer session -- Contracts for third year men will be decided -- Typing course will be offered -- Student groups given advice on treatment of faculty sponsors -- Plan of government for Germany if Allies are victorious is offered / Associated Collegiate Press -- Collegiate world / Associated Collegiate Press -- University bulletin -- Shocking news -- Typed on a Wednesday / Fred Higginson -- Shocker shots / McAuley -- W.U. class receives practical training in city government / Quentin Isely -- Library courses will be offered -- Reunion dinner needs volunteers -- Former and present students announce their engagements and marriages for coming spring months -- Roundabout the campus / Chatty Cathy -- I.S.A. girls will show styles tonight -- I.S.A. will hold April no-date mixer -- Reporter writes his story of wedding of society editor -- Chemistry Club to hold picnic -- Journalism picnic postponed to today -- Accident not serious -- W.R.A. will hold picnic next Monday -- Government to eliminate frills from feminine apparel -- Morehouse writes article -- Quartet will play at journalism dinner -- Sorosis to give style show Friday -- Wheatshockers will enter gigantic 33rd annual Drake relays -- Cahill Jones leads golfers in Missouri -- Tennis team will close trip Friday -- W.U. fencing team wins meet -- Morehouse to give course in ju-jitsu -- Intramurals to hold track meet -- Hold swimming meet at East -- Leading men of senior class are Blue Key members -- Softball teams to play double round-robin -- R.O.T.C. band gives program -- Art department has institute display -- Preview and review of sports / Bill Mendell -- Jayhawkers lose to Ft. Leavenworth -- Second Pi Alph frat is discovered in Connecticut school -- Former student to play leading role -- Emporia whips Shockers 86-45 -- Javelin throw may be abolished -- Cards and Yankees favored -- Gym shorts / Earline Duke -- Chess tournament will begin today -- Boudreau is young manager
Photograph(s): Shocker candidate: Tommy Cannon, University junior and member of Phi Upsilon Sigma, who has been selected by the Shocker Party as their candidate for president of the Student Council in the May 1 election. p. 1 -- Pledges pass through arch: Pledges of Scabbard and Blade, national military fraternity, were honored at a dinner given by the organization last week. A feature of the evening was the procession of the pledges and their guests through an arch formed by the drawn sabers of active members of the organization. p. 1 -- Wheaties president: Betty Richey. p. 1 -- Campus candidate: Quentin Isely. p. 1 -- Time out for bridge: Scholastic activities took a back seat for several hours yesterday as Gilleran Kendrick, Tommy Cannon, Bob Jones, Tom Kinkaid played in the National Intercollegiate Bridge Tournament. p. 1 -- Military pledge receives ensigne: Pictured above, Cadet Major Bob Allen, is presenting Cadet Sergeant Warren Tomlinson with his insignia as Mary Baker and Carolee Wilkins watch the ceremony. p. 3
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.47 no.31
v.47 no.31