Benefits of using iAPPS across demographics
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This study was designed to determine the potential benefits of iApps across a varied demographic range. Surveys were constructed to discover how frequently such professionals as speech-language pathologists implement iApps in a therapy setting, and their opinions of the effectiveness of such technology. We also discovered the tendency of college students to use, or not to use, iApps as study aids upon suggestion, and the potential impact certain iApps may or may not have on the quality of life of the aging population given proper training on how to use equipment such as an iPad or tablet. The findings for this study showed that, even though most college students have some form of access to iApps and are members of the cohort most familiar with this technology, they showed a distinct aversion to utilizing iApps as study aids. We also learned that, given the proper training and confidence, members of the aging population can certainly benefit from this form of technology. Finally, it was discovered that just under half of the speech-language pathologists surveyed utilized iApps in a therapy setting, and found them to have at least some success with their clients. At this point, our conclusion about iApps is that their usefulness and effectiveness does not depend on the demographic that is using them, but rather the willingness of the individual to not only use iApps, but to learn how to use them for their proper and intended use.
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