1992-04-06 Faculty Senate meeting
Faculty Senate
Issue Date
Shared governance document
Wichita State University , Faculty Senate meetings , Shared governance , Meeting Agenda , Meeting minutes
Faculty Senate. Agenda and minutes of the meeting of April 6, 1992. -- Faculty Senate Meetings, 1991-1992, v.5
Table of Contents
Agenda: (Informal proposals and statements) -- (President's report) -- (Old business): Charge and composition of ad hoc Task Force on Administrative Evaluation -- Resolutions concerning bonded indebtedness and faculty
consultation regarding mill levy allocations -- Objections to recommendations of Regents Task Force on Teaching Evaluation from University of Kansas -- (New business): Consideration of options for improving faculty/administrative relations -- Proposals for faculty consideration of non-college degree proposals -- (Commitee and council reports): Statement on faculty development by the Council of Faculty Senate Presidents -- Annual report of the Honors Committee -- Annual report of the Academic Affairs Committee
Attachments: Attachment 1. Ad hoc Faculty Senate Task Force on Administrative Evaluation -- Attachment 2. Memorandum regarding concerns expressed by KU Faculty Senate on norm-referenced student rating instruments / Martine Hammond-Paludan -- Attachment 3. Faculty/administration relations / Executive Committee -- Attachment 4. Approval process for non-college degree programs / Executive Committee -- Council of Faculty Senate Presidents statement on faculty development -- Senate Committee on Academic Affairs annual report 1991-1992
Minutes: Summary of action taken: 1. Motion passed on charge and composition of Ad hoc Task Force on Administrative Evaluation -- 2. Motions tabled on resolution on bonded indebtedness and faculty consultation on mill levy allocations -- 3. Motion passed on KU' s objections to recommendations of Regents Task Force on Teacher Evaluation -- 4. Motion passed to make substitute motion main motion regarding faculty/administrative relations -- 5. Motion passed on proposals of non-college degrees -- (Informal proposals and statements): Faculty Senate '92-'93 election results distributed -- Announcement of AAUp meeting / Senator Hoyer -- (President's report): Regent Sabatini met with WSU faculty representatives -- Fred Suderman reported fiscal budget passed the House and is on the Senate floor -- Questions regarding progress with Faculty Senate Presidents having input into the Board of Regents by Senator Gosman -- AVP loller's memo requests faculty for committee for review of Dean Frye -- Question on WSU's progress of state windfall by Senator Rogers -- (Old business): Ad hoc Task Force on Administrative Evaluation -- Resolution concerning bonded indebtedness and faculty consultation regarding mill levy allocations -- Objections to recommendations of Regents Task Force on Teaching Evaluation from University of Kansas -- (New business): Faculty-administration relations questions -- Non-college degree proposal -- (Committee and council reports) -- Executive Committee meeting Faculty Senate minutes of the meeting of April 7, 1992
Attachments: Attachment 1. Ad hoc Faculty Senate Task Force on Administrative Evaluation -- Attachment 2. Memorandum regarding concerns expressed by KU Faculty Senate on norm-referenced student rating instruments / Martine Hammond-Paludan -- Attachment 3. Faculty/administration relations / Executive Committee -- Attachment 4. Approval process for non-college degree programs / Executive Committee -- Council of Faculty Senate Presidents statement on faculty development -- Senate Committee on Academic Affairs annual report 1991-1992
Minutes: Summary of action taken: 1. Motion passed on charge and composition of Ad hoc Task Force on Administrative Evaluation -- 2. Motions tabled on resolution on bonded indebtedness and faculty consultation on mill levy allocations -- 3. Motion passed on KU' s objections to recommendations of Regents Task Force on Teacher Evaluation -- 4. Motion passed to make substitute motion main motion regarding faculty/administrative relations -- 5. Motion passed on proposals of non-college degrees -- (Informal proposals and statements): Faculty Senate '92-'93 election results distributed -- Announcement of AAUp meeting / Senator Hoyer -- (President's report): Regent Sabatini met with WSU faculty representatives -- Fred Suderman reported fiscal budget passed the House and is on the Senate floor -- Questions regarding progress with Faculty Senate Presidents having input into the Board of Regents by Senator Gosman -- AVP loller's memo requests faculty for committee for review of Dean Frye -- Question on WSU's progress of state windfall by Senator Rogers -- (Old business): Ad hoc Task Force on Administrative Evaluation -- Resolution concerning bonded indebtedness and faculty consultation regarding mill levy allocations -- Objections to recommendations of Regents Task Force on Teaching Evaluation from University of Kansas -- (New business): Faculty-administration relations questions -- Non-college degree proposal -- (Committee and council reports) -- Executive Committee meeting Faculty Senate minutes of the meeting of April 7, 1992
Wichita State University
Book Title
Wichita State University Faculty Senate Archives