The Sunflower, v.55, no.08 (November 10, 1949)
Issue Date
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Corbin, Harry F. (Harry Finch), 1917-1990 , Endowment Fund , Homecoming
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.55, no.8, Wichita, Kansas, November 10, 1949 - 18 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): U of W plans colorful Homecoming: Betty Knocke to reign over annual event -- WSSF drive will begin Monday: students plan European aid -- Dr. Hambro, statesman and diplomat, will speak in auditorium November 16 on United Nations topic -- Sunflower Homecoming edition: good luck to alumni, Queen Knocke and team / Mary Fran Sullivan -- Campus forms grid caravan -- Homecoming dance will be informal -- Red Cross will ask for blood from University donors November 21 -- Honor society holds exhibit -- Radio achievements outlined by Holman -- Websters hold stag to honor founders -- Dr. Marsh will review book at YW meet -- Band to do stunts in western theme -- Regiment to hold assembly in April -- Thanner says winter clothes scarce for European students -- "Twelfth Night" is first production -- Campus Organ Club will view pictures -- Club corner: Spanish Club holds election of officers at meeting tonight -- Founder's Day Tea to be held by music sorority on November 13 -- Sorosis actives fete pledges with dinner -- John Dunhams' announce engagement of daughter and Patrick B. Larimer -- Greek mothers hold meetings -- Round about the campus / Gerry Hunter -- Phi Sigs celebrate 22 years on campus -- Shut up, Sunflower: an editorial -- A welcome to alumni -- Vox discipuli: letters to editors query method used in counting ballots -- 'University students are behind football team in spite of Saturday tie,' says Ruth Mercer / Joe Ludiker -- Corbin undertakes speaking program to promote new policy -- WSSF announces calendar for week -- Sipple will attend educators meeting -- Homecoming rules announced by Elsea -- Magazines ask for articles -- Young GOPs elect officers -- State music meet has 420 attendance -- Chegwidden named to editorial post -- Human acts viewed by discussion group -- Queen Betty Knocke is UNESCO member -- Dancers, Sorosis chorus and depanted ushers will be featured in 'Lid's Off' show November 19 -- 'Tint your hair to harmonize with clothes,' says Hollywood / Mike Miller -- Spring events to be listed -- A welcome to all: Homecoming celebrants will see many changes in University, but Shocker spirit is still high / Mary Fran Sullivan -- Workshop meet to be November 22 -- Education fraternity accepts new pledges -- 1500 attend three performances of play -- Sororities reveal Homecoming plan -- Quakers pick queen for first reunion since pre-war days -- For 1949 Homecoming: committees will plan program for alumni reunion Saturday -- Dr. C.B. Read writes for business journal -- Science fraternity names new pledges -- Lost and found list continues to grow -- Average age of GI in college reaches 26.6 years, VA says -- 'My friend hid from Germans in attic,' says Wilco Vietor / Joe Ludiker -- Corbin seeks city support -- Valuable collection displayed in Library for Language Week / Bill Bernhard -- Hekhuis speaks at YW meeting -- Overpayments to be deducted from GIs insurance dividends -- University students holds offices in club -- C.B. Read, Thacker authors of article -- Shaw concert convo draws large crowd -- English 112 students take Library tours -- Students willing to search for desired brands according to survey by marketing institute -- North Carolina school outlines abusive hazing by fraternities -- University Symphony to play Tuesday: students open concert season -- Worthy graduates may obtain General Electric scholarships -- Spanish department prepares observance of Language Week -- Billikens rally to tie Munies -- Cross country football oddities highlight Saturday's skirmishes -- Websters top speedball play -- Trenton teachers losers since 1938 -- Freshmen hold intersquad tilt -- Cross country race rules are announced -- High football scoring is trend; nation's coaches seek reason / Jack Campbell -- Drake here for Homecoming game -- 2,000 see pictures of football game -- Oklahoma A&M films to be shown -- Sooners face perfect season with one 'tough' game left / Jack Campbell -- Cagers ready for Enid Five -- Jaycees sponsor advance sale of annual Wheatbowl tickets -- Glass backboards ready for cagers -- Bulldogs will fight five year jinx with top ground gainer / Estel Smith -- Saturday's deadlock is second in Shocker-St. Louis grid series / Rankin Griesinger -- Women to hold volleyball games -- Tennis teams in semi-finals -- Women to practice for rifle tourney -- Gridders face Valley leaders -- School plans music class -- String group will perform -- Houlik injured at St. Louis -- Open house plans made for alumni -- Onsgard leads air discussion -- Balloons to be sold at game Saturday -- Amsden talks to campus politicos -- Alumni to be greeted by school officials -- Social clubs seek honors for house decorations during Homecoming week -- Pep pushers are selected
Photograph(s): President authorizes WSSF...: Vinita Hood and President Harry F. Corbin, planning the WSSF drive. p. 1 -- Forum speaker...: Dr. C. J. Hambro. p. 1 -- Uncaptioned photo of football player running and "tearing" through newspaper article. p. 1 -- Homecoming Queen: Betty Knocke. p. 1 -- Symphony director...: James P. Robertson. p. 2 -- Your cheerleaders...: (Left to right) Gea Stark, Andy Larson, Collette Porter, Ben Tharp, Paul Hoblit, Ruth Mercer, Hugh Livingston, and Phyllis McMichael. p. 4 -- Plan events for alumni...: Members of the General Alumni Committee pictured are (left to right) Beatrice McKinley, Elinor Margrave, Charlie Dunn, Dot Neises, and Joe Hesse. p. 6 -- Setting up the touchdown...: Johnny Swinehart (43) is tackled by a host of St. Louis players in the Shocker-Billiken game. Making the tackle are Jim Meston (20) and Leo Bargielski (75). The other player is Augie Garcia (26). p. 15 -- New editor...: Jack Chegwidden. p. 17
Article(s): U of W plans colorful Homecoming: Betty Knocke to reign over annual event -- WSSF drive will begin Monday: students plan European aid -- Dr. Hambro, statesman and diplomat, will speak in auditorium November 16 on United Nations topic -- Sunflower Homecoming edition: good luck to alumni, Queen Knocke and team / Mary Fran Sullivan -- Campus forms grid caravan -- Homecoming dance will be informal -- Red Cross will ask for blood from University donors November 21 -- Honor society holds exhibit -- Radio achievements outlined by Holman -- Websters hold stag to honor founders -- Dr. Marsh will review book at YW meet -- Band to do stunts in western theme -- Regiment to hold assembly in April -- Thanner says winter clothes scarce for European students -- "Twelfth Night" is first production -- Campus Organ Club will view pictures -- Club corner: Spanish Club holds election of officers at meeting tonight -- Founder's Day Tea to be held by music sorority on November 13 -- Sorosis actives fete pledges with dinner -- John Dunhams' announce engagement of daughter and Patrick B. Larimer -- Greek mothers hold meetings -- Round about the campus / Gerry Hunter -- Phi Sigs celebrate 22 years on campus -- Shut up, Sunflower: an editorial -- A welcome to alumni -- Vox discipuli: letters to editors query method used in counting ballots -- 'University students are behind football team in spite of Saturday tie,' says Ruth Mercer / Joe Ludiker -- Corbin undertakes speaking program to promote new policy -- WSSF announces calendar for week -- Sipple will attend educators meeting -- Homecoming rules announced by Elsea -- Magazines ask for articles -- Young GOPs elect officers -- State music meet has 420 attendance -- Chegwidden named to editorial post -- Human acts viewed by discussion group -- Queen Betty Knocke is UNESCO member -- Dancers, Sorosis chorus and depanted ushers will be featured in 'Lid's Off' show November 19 -- 'Tint your hair to harmonize with clothes,' says Hollywood / Mike Miller -- Spring events to be listed -- A welcome to all: Homecoming celebrants will see many changes in University, but Shocker spirit is still high / Mary Fran Sullivan -- Workshop meet to be November 22 -- Education fraternity accepts new pledges -- 1500 attend three performances of play -- Sororities reveal Homecoming plan -- Quakers pick queen for first reunion since pre-war days -- For 1949 Homecoming: committees will plan program for alumni reunion Saturday -- Dr. C.B. Read writes for business journal -- Science fraternity names new pledges -- Lost and found list continues to grow -- Average age of GI in college reaches 26.6 years, VA says -- 'My friend hid from Germans in attic,' says Wilco Vietor / Joe Ludiker -- Corbin seeks city support -- Valuable collection displayed in Library for Language Week / Bill Bernhard -- Hekhuis speaks at YW meeting -- Overpayments to be deducted from GIs insurance dividends -- University students holds offices in club -- C.B. Read, Thacker authors of article -- Shaw concert convo draws large crowd -- English 112 students take Library tours -- Students willing to search for desired brands according to survey by marketing institute -- North Carolina school outlines abusive hazing by fraternities -- University Symphony to play Tuesday: students open concert season -- Worthy graduates may obtain General Electric scholarships -- Spanish department prepares observance of Language Week -- Billikens rally to tie Munies -- Cross country football oddities highlight Saturday's skirmishes -- Websters top speedball play -- Trenton teachers losers since 1938 -- Freshmen hold intersquad tilt -- Cross country race rules are announced -- High football scoring is trend; nation's coaches seek reason / Jack Campbell -- Drake here for Homecoming game -- 2,000 see pictures of football game -- Oklahoma A&M films to be shown -- Sooners face perfect season with one 'tough' game left / Jack Campbell -- Cagers ready for Enid Five -- Jaycees sponsor advance sale of annual Wheatbowl tickets -- Glass backboards ready for cagers -- Bulldogs will fight five year jinx with top ground gainer / Estel Smith -- Saturday's deadlock is second in Shocker-St. Louis grid series / Rankin Griesinger -- Women to hold volleyball games -- Tennis teams in semi-finals -- Women to practice for rifle tourney -- Gridders face Valley leaders -- School plans music class -- String group will perform -- Houlik injured at St. Louis -- Open house plans made for alumni -- Onsgard leads air discussion -- Balloons to be sold at game Saturday -- Amsden talks to campus politicos -- Alumni to be greeted by school officials -- Social clubs seek honors for house decorations during Homecoming week -- Pep pushers are selected
Photograph(s): President authorizes WSSF...: Vinita Hood and President Harry F. Corbin, planning the WSSF drive. p. 1 -- Forum speaker...: Dr. C. J. Hambro. p. 1 -- Uncaptioned photo of football player running and "tearing" through newspaper article. p. 1 -- Homecoming Queen: Betty Knocke. p. 1 -- Symphony director...: James P. Robertson. p. 2 -- Your cheerleaders...: (Left to right) Gea Stark, Andy Larson, Collette Porter, Ben Tharp, Paul Hoblit, Ruth Mercer, Hugh Livingston, and Phyllis McMichael. p. 4 -- Plan events for alumni...: Members of the General Alumni Committee pictured are (left to right) Beatrice McKinley, Elinor Margrave, Charlie Dunn, Dot Neises, and Joe Hesse. p. 6 -- Setting up the touchdown...: Johnny Swinehart (43) is tackled by a host of St. Louis players in the Shocker-Billiken game. Making the tackle are Jim Meston (20) and Leo Bargielski (75). The other player is Augie Garcia (26). p. 15 -- New editor...: Jack Chegwidden. p. 17
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.55 no.8
v.55 no.8