1994-04-18 Faculty Senate meeting
Faculty Senate
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Archival material
Archival material
Wichita State University , Faculty Senate , Shared governance , Meeting Agenda
Faculty Senate. Agenda of the meeting of April 18, 1994. -- Faculty Senate Meetings, 1993-1994, v.7
Table of Contents
Agenda: (Informal statements and proposals) -- (President's report) -- (Committee reports): Court of Student Academic Appeals -- Planning and Budget Committee -- University Curriculum Committee -- (New business): A. Update and discussion: Library funding issues -- B. Update and discussion: Off-campus centers and related policy issues -- C. Discussion of budget enhancements for FY96 (July 1995 - June 1996)
Attachments: Report of the Court of Student Academic Appeals (Academic Year 1993-94) -- 1993-1994 Senate Committee annual report / H. Edward Flentje -- University Curriculum Committee Senate Committee annual report, 1993-1994 -- Annual report, Senate Library Committee / George M. Platt -- Addition to Agenda for Senate Meeting on April 18 / Jim Clark -- Status of State Legislative appropriations for FY 1995: Kansas Board of Regents and Wichita State University / H. Edward Flentje
Minutes: Summary of action taken: 1. Appointed Bert VanBoer to the General Education Committee representing College of Fine Arts -- (Informal statements and proposals): Announcement that there will be a kick-off event for Campus Campaign for Students / Rosalind Scudder -- Introduction to Roy Ridner, SGA President / President Clark -- Announcement of spring meeting of the AAUP / Senator Paske -- (President's report): Board of Regents members were happy with WSU's report on progress toward university mission goals -- (Committee reports): Accepted and discussed -- (New business): Discussion of Senate Bill 590 -- Explanation of budget process / President Clark -- Report of Library Funding Issues / George Platt -- Budget enhancements for FY 96
Attachments: Report of the Court of Student Academic Appeals (Academic Year 1993-94) -- 1993-1994 Senate Committee annual report / H. Edward Flentje -- University Curriculum Committee Senate Committee annual report, 1993-1994 -- Annual report, Senate Library Committee / George M. Platt -- Addition to Agenda for Senate Meeting on April 18 / Jim Clark -- Status of State Legislative appropriations for FY 1995: Kansas Board of Regents and Wichita State University / H. Edward Flentje
Minutes: Summary of action taken: 1. Appointed Bert VanBoer to the General Education Committee representing College of Fine Arts -- (Informal statements and proposals): Announcement that there will be a kick-off event for Campus Campaign for Students / Rosalind Scudder -- Introduction to Roy Ridner, SGA President / President Clark -- Announcement of spring meeting of the AAUP / Senator Paske -- (President's report): Board of Regents members were happy with WSU's report on progress toward university mission goals -- (Committee reports): Accepted and discussed -- (New business): Discussion of Senate Bill 590 -- Explanation of budget process / President Clark -- Report of Library Funding Issues / George Platt -- Budget enhancements for FY 96
Wichita State University
Book Title
Wichita State University Faculty Senate Archives