The Sunflower, v.46, no.10 (November 14, 1940)
Issue Date
Archival material
Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Creative Writing Club , Institute of Logopedics , Skating
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.46, no.10, Wichita, Kansas, November 14, 1940 - 6 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): W.U. cadets notified of promotions -- Convo salutes W.U. war dead -- Larson's illness alters schedule -- Sorosis, Alpha Gammas obtain highest ratings -- Last week for contest entries -- Roundtable to consider campus industry question / Roberta Cornwell -- Directory sale starts Monday at bookstore -- Ticket sale for ball is started -- Round-up dance will be climax of homecoming -- Robinson group hears W.U. dean -- First noon mixer meets in lounge -- Wells demands 'big stick' plan be tried by U.S. -- Hartmann lauds U.S. universities -- Homecoming queen to rule Saturday as Shockers fight for fifth victory of year -- A.P. gives story of speech work -- Coates selects I.S.A. head for festival escort -- Stadium plans await approval -- Literary group considers tie-up -- Institute directors visit many group -- Facing the issue -- Collegiate world -- Oliver's travels -- University bulletin -- Shocker shots / Boles -- Trained dogs guide blind students through college -- Required subjects theory is supported by Wichitans -- Kansas to observe late Thanksgiving -- Grad gossip: Alumni preparing for big homecoming -- Many undergrads try teaching in Wichita schools -- Jardine traveling in eastern Kansas -- Speakers will visit institute program -- Speech lab works on chest campaign -- Faculty reserves periods for student interviews -- Library assistants take Peabody test -- Afghanistan youths plan homeward trip next year -- Spastics given new attention -- Piano team plans auditorium recital -- Air hostess job involves stiff training, coed finds / Wyrill Stoll -- Misuse of library scored by O'Harra -- State inhabitants answer to strange, comical names -- Neff elected new president of club -- Annual round-up to bring back grads -- Greeks to fete alumni at gala affairs Saturday -- Oberg to present students in recital -- Former campus students reveal marriage dates -- University dames to have meeting -- Roundabout the campus / Sue and Josie -- Catlin to speak to Omega Upsilon -- Kappa Delta Pi to honor pledges -- Webster to hold homecoming dinner -- Independent group plan monthly dance -- Thanksgiving will be Y.W.C.A. theme -- Calendar -- Alumni to have annual meeting after WU game -- French club to meet -- Layman will be honored guest at military ball -- University group to entertain Sunday -- Frosh will try for third win -- New paper appears -- The dope bucket / Bob Jones -- Speedy Hornets defeat Wichita -- Hanson visits new teachers in state -- University host to newspaper editors -- Badminton tourney is now underway -- Protested game in football is to be replayed -- Hockey teams tied at close of round -- Knolla leads 1939 record for gains -- Students drive too fast, officer says -- Girls play tie games in hockey -- Dryer talks at W.U. -- Frosh play 7-7 tie with strong Tulsa yearlings -- Hillbrand in Blackwell -- Ellis is new champion in horseshoe pitch -- Girls skating classes form -- Blake will attend debate conference
Photograph(s): Homecoming queen: Peggy Coates, attractive president of Delta Omega sorority, will reign over homecoming activities Friday and Saturday. p. 1 -- Elliott. p. 2 -- Heads safety drive: With Blue Key endeavoring to cut down traffic violations and danger of fatalities on the campus, Fred Wylie, head of the Blue Key safety committee, has announced that extensive plans are under way to promote safer driving at the University. p. 3 -- Sorority president: Jean Braly, newly elected president of Alpha Tau Sigma. Miss Braly replaces Myrabel McNeil whose recent illness necessitated her resignation. p. 5 -- On their way to Wichita's homecoming: Although homecoming at the University of Wichita this week-end is attracting all sorts of get-ups, the covered wagon here is purely a fiction of the Sunflower artist, Roger Peppard. But the girls are not. They, and hundreds of others, are a very real part of the homecoming program. Pictured are Gracie Coleman, Virginia Martin, and Lillian Roth. p. 5 -- Homecoming queen: Elected homecoming queen by the student body last Thursday, Miss Peggy Coates, Delta Omega, is pictured wearing Connie "BOOMPS TOE SPECTATOR" from Rorabaugh-Buck's Main Floor Shoe Salon. Miss Coates will model college footwear at Rorabaugh-Buck's Saturday, November 23, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. p. 5 -- Wyoming stars: Bostwick, Thorpe, Karpan, Rogers, Bradbard. p. 6 -- Jones. p. 6 -- Shows form: Johnny Morton, reserve Shocker back, thrilled spectators at the Wichita-Emporia game last Saturday when he took a short pass from Earl Grandy and outraced two Hornet defensemen 65 yards to score the lone touchdown of the day for the Shockers. Morton will undoubtedly see service against the University of Wyoming in the homecoming day game this week. p. 6
"Blue Key says - You need only one life; therefore, why take someone else's?"
Article(s): W.U. cadets notified of promotions -- Convo salutes W.U. war dead -- Larson's illness alters schedule -- Sorosis, Alpha Gammas obtain highest ratings -- Last week for contest entries -- Roundtable to consider campus industry question / Roberta Cornwell -- Directory sale starts Monday at bookstore -- Ticket sale for ball is started -- Round-up dance will be climax of homecoming -- Robinson group hears W.U. dean -- First noon mixer meets in lounge -- Wells demands 'big stick' plan be tried by U.S. -- Hartmann lauds U.S. universities -- Homecoming queen to rule Saturday as Shockers fight for fifth victory of year -- A.P. gives story of speech work -- Coates selects I.S.A. head for festival escort -- Stadium plans await approval -- Literary group considers tie-up -- Institute directors visit many group -- Facing the issue -- Collegiate world -- Oliver's travels -- University bulletin -- Shocker shots / Boles -- Trained dogs guide blind students through college -- Required subjects theory is supported by Wichitans -- Kansas to observe late Thanksgiving -- Grad gossip: Alumni preparing for big homecoming -- Many undergrads try teaching in Wichita schools -- Jardine traveling in eastern Kansas -- Speakers will visit institute program -- Speech lab works on chest campaign -- Faculty reserves periods for student interviews -- Library assistants take Peabody test -- Afghanistan youths plan homeward trip next year -- Spastics given new attention -- Piano team plans auditorium recital -- Air hostess job involves stiff training, coed finds / Wyrill Stoll -- Misuse of library scored by O'Harra -- State inhabitants answer to strange, comical names -- Neff elected new president of club -- Annual round-up to bring back grads -- Greeks to fete alumni at gala affairs Saturday -- Oberg to present students in recital -- Former campus students reveal marriage dates -- University dames to have meeting -- Roundabout the campus / Sue and Josie -- Catlin to speak to Omega Upsilon -- Kappa Delta Pi to honor pledges -- Webster to hold homecoming dinner -- Independent group plan monthly dance -- Thanksgiving will be Y.W.C.A. theme -- Calendar -- Alumni to have annual meeting after WU game -- French club to meet -- Layman will be honored guest at military ball -- University group to entertain Sunday -- Frosh will try for third win -- New paper appears -- The dope bucket / Bob Jones -- Speedy Hornets defeat Wichita -- Hanson visits new teachers in state -- University host to newspaper editors -- Badminton tourney is now underway -- Protested game in football is to be replayed -- Hockey teams tied at close of round -- Knolla leads 1939 record for gains -- Students drive too fast, officer says -- Girls play tie games in hockey -- Dryer talks at W.U. -- Frosh play 7-7 tie with strong Tulsa yearlings -- Hillbrand in Blackwell -- Ellis is new champion in horseshoe pitch -- Girls skating classes form -- Blake will attend debate conference
Photograph(s): Homecoming queen: Peggy Coates, attractive president of Delta Omega sorority, will reign over homecoming activities Friday and Saturday. p. 1 -- Elliott. p. 2 -- Heads safety drive: With Blue Key endeavoring to cut down traffic violations and danger of fatalities on the campus, Fred Wylie, head of the Blue Key safety committee, has announced that extensive plans are under way to promote safer driving at the University. p. 3 -- Sorority president: Jean Braly, newly elected president of Alpha Tau Sigma. Miss Braly replaces Myrabel McNeil whose recent illness necessitated her resignation. p. 5 -- On their way to Wichita's homecoming: Although homecoming at the University of Wichita this week-end is attracting all sorts of get-ups, the covered wagon here is purely a fiction of the Sunflower artist, Roger Peppard. But the girls are not. They, and hundreds of others, are a very real part of the homecoming program. Pictured are Gracie Coleman, Virginia Martin, and Lillian Roth. p. 5 -- Homecoming queen: Elected homecoming queen by the student body last Thursday, Miss Peggy Coates, Delta Omega, is pictured wearing Connie "BOOMPS TOE SPECTATOR" from Rorabaugh-Buck's Main Floor Shoe Salon. Miss Coates will model college footwear at Rorabaugh-Buck's Saturday, November 23, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. p. 5 -- Wyoming stars: Bostwick, Thorpe, Karpan, Rogers, Bradbard. p. 6 -- Jones. p. 6 -- Shows form: Johnny Morton, reserve Shocker back, thrilled spectators at the Wichita-Emporia game last Saturday when he took a short pass from Earl Grandy and outraced two Hornet defensemen 65 yards to score the lone touchdown of the day for the Shockers. Morton will undoubtedly see service against the University of Wyoming in the homecoming day game this week. p. 6
"Blue Key says - You need only one life; therefore, why take someone else's?"
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.46 no.10
v.46 no.10