The Sunflower, v.82, no.23 (October 5, 1977)
Issue Date
Archival material
Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History
The Sunflower, v.82 no. 23. Wichita, Kansas, October 5, 1977. - 12 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Loans, grants available to students with money woes / Kate McLemore -- Energy education: WSU to teach cities about energy thrift / Judy Moulos -- Deutsch festival at WSU -- Holocaust is study topic -- Naggar exhibits at Ulrich -- Band frat seeking monopoly record -- Students' needs should come first / Patrick Jennings -- Shocker Ocean next? / Steve Pike -- Project Discovery trying to break the poverty cycle -- Images: The Sunflower literary page: Resurrection / Jeff Hixon; Rhyme and reason / Pat Williams; Wichita buffalo / Michael Calvello -- Students needed as workers -- Chessmate / Chuck Bell -- Brothers, Sisters to team up -- University record / edited by Elizabeth P. Clark -- Stewart: Bias persists -- Speaker will lecture on Christians' plight / Jay W. Watson -- Commentary: Who's cheated in media battle? / Kathy Ivy -- Collins, Vincent: Hurricane tamers
Photograph(s): Energy catcher: Dr. Richard Graham, WSU associate professor of mechanical engineering, standing by a solar collector and wind generator at the test site located at McLean and Harry. WSU and the City of Wichita received a $75,000 federal grant for use in teaching energy conservation to U.S. cities. / photo by Craig Sharer. p. 1 -- Frost: David Frost, the first in the Distinguished Speaker series of the 1977-78 school year, will speak at 10:30 this morning in the Miller Concert Hall of Duerksen Fine Arts Center. p. 2 -- Throwing one: Andy Kenyon, graduate student in ceramics, bending over the potter's wheel, displays the style and technique of a skilled craftsman. / photo by S. Taylor-Harris. p. 5 -- [C. Douglas] Barker. p. 5 -- Sighting in: Mike Pritchard, holding steady in spite of Tuesday's gusty winds, sights down the arrow at WSU's archery range. Tuesday was perhaps one of the last warm days of the fall semester. / photo by Alan Dorow. p. 8
Article(s): Loans, grants available to students with money woes / Kate McLemore -- Energy education: WSU to teach cities about energy thrift / Judy Moulos -- Deutsch festival at WSU -- Holocaust is study topic -- Naggar exhibits at Ulrich -- Band frat seeking monopoly record -- Students' needs should come first / Patrick Jennings -- Shocker Ocean next? / Steve Pike -- Project Discovery trying to break the poverty cycle -- Images: The Sunflower literary page: Resurrection / Jeff Hixon; Rhyme and reason / Pat Williams; Wichita buffalo / Michael Calvello -- Students needed as workers -- Chessmate / Chuck Bell -- Brothers, Sisters to team up -- University record / edited by Elizabeth P. Clark -- Stewart: Bias persists -- Speaker will lecture on Christians' plight / Jay W. Watson -- Commentary: Who's cheated in media battle? / Kathy Ivy -- Collins, Vincent: Hurricane tamers
Photograph(s): Energy catcher: Dr. Richard Graham, WSU associate professor of mechanical engineering, standing by a solar collector and wind generator at the test site located at McLean and Harry. WSU and the City of Wichita received a $75,000 federal grant for use in teaching energy conservation to U.S. cities. / photo by Craig Sharer. p. 1 -- Frost: David Frost, the first in the Distinguished Speaker series of the 1977-78 school year, will speak at 10:30 this morning in the Miller Concert Hall of Duerksen Fine Arts Center. p. 2 -- Throwing one: Andy Kenyon, graduate student in ceramics, bending over the potter's wheel, displays the style and technique of a skilled craftsman. / photo by S. Taylor-Harris. p. 5 -- [C. Douglas] Barker. p. 5 -- Sighting in: Mike Pritchard, holding steady in spite of Tuesday's gusty winds, sights down the arrow at WSU's archery range. Tuesday was perhaps one of the last warm days of the fall semester. / photo by Alan Dorow. p. 8
Wichita State University
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.82 no.23
v.82 no.23