Burnout in school counselors: A comparison of race and gender of counselor experiences

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Le, Diana
Herron, Jason P.
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Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue

This quantitative study aims to identify burnout among various groups of school counselors. The research examines whether there are statistical differences in burnout between school counselors of minoritized ethnicity compared to that of white school counselors. Specifically, this study explored the experiences of cisgender male school counselors compared to cisgender female school counselors. Lastly, it compared very experienced school counselors to less experienced ones in years. With the use of the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI), licensed school counselors in the United States will be measured. Using a criterion sample with a snowball sampling technique, the study yielded 437 acceptable responses to the CBI. There were 365 submissions by school counselors who identified as white or Caucasian. In comparison, there were 72 submissions from those of various ethnic groups, which were grouped together to form a minoritized group. Regarding analyzing gender differences, there were a staggering 410 or nearly 94% female submissions and 26 (5.95%) male submissions. Although the minoritized participants averaged a mean score higher than the white participants' scores, using an Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), there was no statistically significant difference in the burnout scores for both groups regarding personal-related and work-related burnout. However, for client-related burnout, there was a statistical difference in minoritized school counselors’ burnout being higher than that of white school counselors. This is also seen in female school counselors having statistically higher burnout as compared to male school counselors in the category of client-related burnout. Before this study's introduction, there was little knowledge about the subject of burnout among minoritized school counselors. The findings may bridge the gap regarding improving the United States educational system.

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Thesis (E.dD)-- Wichita State University, College of Applied Studies, Dept. of Intervention Services and Leadership in Education
Wichita State University
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