The Sunflower, v.44, no.08 (November 3, 1938)

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College newspapers and periodicals
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Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.44, no.8, Wichita, Kansas, November 3, 1938 - 6 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Forum will have noted authorities -- Life Magazine honors Rogers -- Venetian blinds grace but single W.U. classroom -- Campus editor attend national meeting in Ohio -- Work of Oberg to be included on radio series -- Rock core is given campus geology lab -- Young prodigy found in Flo Brown speech lab -- Parnassus editor sets final date -- W.U. faculty on meeting program -- Large crowd sees Viennese operetta -- Barr is chosen as delegate to California meet -- '38 class giet to be finished late this week -- Eastern woman gets post here -- Total gains for Wichitans reach for mile mark -- Convocation is set for 10-20 Friday -- Professor gets math inquiries -- Magazine prints article by Haff -- Wall lectures to educational groups -- Homecoming queen election will be tomorrow morning with polls in ad building -- W.U. professor chosen head of group at meet -- Hillbrand chairman of breakfast meet -- Exchange of professors is new educational idea -- McDonald tells W.U. plan for hospitalization -- Army to direct convo program -- Observers should watch radio as "propagandizer" -- Student Forum deserves sincere student support -- Wanted: Not 'Ism' texts but 'democracy primer' -- Prosperity slowly comes around mythical corner -- On the hill / Marge Grey -- Collegiate world -- University Houdini does ofver 200 magic tricks --- Library to post new book lists -- Grad gossip -- Brincefield named Matrix president -- Students find parking is morning campus problem -- Duerksen to attend Topeka music meet -- Alumni banquet -- Speakers made available here -- Open houses, luncheons, dinners will honor Greek homecomers -- Y.W.C.A. cabinets of Friends, W.U. hold discussion -- Pledges will be feted by Alpha Taus Saturday -- Websters to have stag on Monday -- Webster pledges honored at dance -- Phi Sig pledges will be honored tomorrow night -- Bride-elect fetes at many showers -- Tigers will battle for CIC victory -- Two undefeated hockey elevens meet tomorrow -- Sports wise / Katy Dedrick -- Jays came out winner in grid tilt -- From the sidelines / Bob Campbell -- Barbs win game to lead league -- Tennis win goes to Alpha Gams -- Barbs hold fun meet to decide team problems -- Many facts told as King football reigns in sports -- Workouts start for cage sports
Photograph(s): Henry Amsden; Manages Forum ticket sale. p. 1 -- Tom Barr leaves for R.O.T.C. confab. p. 1 -- [Marge] Gray. p. 2 -- Betty Genach. p. 2 -- Toastmistress: Carol Sholwalter will act as toastmistress Friday night at the alumni dinner. p. 3 -- Homecoming Queen candidates: Six popular University coeds are vieing for Homecoming Queen honors in tomorrow's all-school election. Candidates pictured above, top row, from left to right are, Corrine Bennett, Mary Evelyn Brincefield, and Kathryn Lansdowne; bottom row, Alice Jane Brown, Laurece Chandler, and Janet Tudhope. p. 4 -- Pfortmiller: Hugo Pfortmiller, left guard, is one of the most improved players on the Fort Hays squad. Bigger and heavier than a year ago, Pfortmiller early earned his starting position and has continued to hold it all year. He is a senior letterman. p. 6 -- Paronto. p. 6 -- [Katy] Dedrick. p. 6 -- [Bob] Campbell. p. 6
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.44 no.8
PubMed ID