2005-02-14 Faculty Senate meeting
Faculty Senate
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Shared governance document
Wichita State University , Faculty Senate , Shared governance , Meeting Agenda , Meeting minutes
Faculty Senate. Agenda and minutes of the meeting of February 14, 2005. -- Faculty Senate Meetings, 2004-2005, v.18
Table of Contents
Agenda: (Informal statements and proposals) -- (President's report) -- (Committee reports) -- (Old business): A. Handbook for Faculty proposed revisions - Chapter 5 (2nd reading) -- (New business): A. WSU Westside Center / Celia Goering -- B. General Education Program proposals / Paul York and Don Blakslee
Minutes: Summary of action: 1. Accepted revisions to Chapter 5 of the Handbook for Faculty -- 2. Accepted the nomination of Paul Flippen to replace Senator LeZotte, School of Art & Design and Silvia Herzog Carruthers, Senator, School of Music, to replace Senator Markovich -- (Informal statements and proposals): 1. Direct Readings Hours done by faculty -- 2. The problem of reimbursement in a timely manner for travel funds was addressed -- 3. It was suggested that an all faculty meeting was needed to answer questions about the Matrix. Merit evaluations, how to report, goals, etc. need to be discussed -- 4. Senator DeSilva said that a South African delegation would be on campus and invited faculty to call him for the time for the reception -- 5. Senator Lancaster asked if there was any more information about the security breach with the computers -- (President's report): 1. University President's Service Award nominees due by Wed., Feb. 16. -- 2. Request for major to be on diplomas was sent to Academic Affairs -- 3. President Beggs is moving forward on VPAA search, which will be made up of a representative from the Deans, Unclassified Professional and the Classified Senates, SGA, the Graduate Council, Faculty representing the degree granting colleges. Co-Chairs are VP Kopita (non-voting) and Faculty Senate President Klunder -- 4. Announced that Dan Close and Christian Wolf had been elected Senators at Large -- (Committee reports): A. Rules: Presented the name of Paul Flippen to complete the term of Senator LeZotte, School of Art & Design, and Silvia Herzog Carruthers to replace Senator Markovich / Chris Brooks -- (Old business): A. Handbook for Faculty revisions to Chapter 5 / Senator Cavarozzi -- (New business): Update on the new 24,000 sq. ft. facility to be built at 37th North and Maize / Celia Goering -- B. Proposed changes to the Goals of the General Education program and General Education Program Assessment Plan Various / Paul York and Don Blakeslee
Minutes: Summary of action: 1. Accepted revisions to Chapter 5 of the Handbook for Faculty -- 2. Accepted the nomination of Paul Flippen to replace Senator LeZotte, School of Art & Design and Silvia Herzog Carruthers, Senator, School of Music, to replace Senator Markovich -- (Informal statements and proposals): 1. Direct Readings Hours done by faculty -- 2. The problem of reimbursement in a timely manner for travel funds was addressed -- 3. It was suggested that an all faculty meeting was needed to answer questions about the Matrix. Merit evaluations, how to report, goals, etc. need to be discussed -- 4. Senator DeSilva said that a South African delegation would be on campus and invited faculty to call him for the time for the reception -- 5. Senator Lancaster asked if there was any more information about the security breach with the computers -- (President's report): 1. University President's Service Award nominees due by Wed., Feb. 16. -- 2. Request for major to be on diplomas was sent to Academic Affairs -- 3. President Beggs is moving forward on VPAA search, which will be made up of a representative from the Deans, Unclassified Professional and the Classified Senates, SGA, the Graduate Council, Faculty representing the degree granting colleges. Co-Chairs are VP Kopita (non-voting) and Faculty Senate President Klunder -- 4. Announced that Dan Close and Christian Wolf had been elected Senators at Large -- (Committee reports): A. Rules: Presented the name of Paul Flippen to complete the term of Senator LeZotte, School of Art & Design, and Silvia Herzog Carruthers to replace Senator Markovich / Chris Brooks -- (Old business): A. Handbook for Faculty revisions to Chapter 5 / Senator Cavarozzi -- (New business): Update on the new 24,000 sq. ft. facility to be built at 37th North and Maize / Celia Goering -- B. Proposed changes to the Goals of the General Education program and General Education Program Assessment Plan Various / Paul York and Don Blakeslee
Wichita State University
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Wichita State University Faculty Senate Archives