Design of a flow detection sensor for single phase flow through porous media
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A porous media consists of a 3D intricate network of pores that are arranged either in a symmetric or non-symmetric pattern, allowing for the fluid to pass through the void spaces. The larger the pores size or the porosity of the medium, the higher the permeability of the fluid through the porous medium [8]. Porosity, in this case, is defined as the ratio of the volume of the void space to the total volume of the matrix, and permeability is defined as the measure of the porous media to allow the fluid to flow through the pores. As such, the transportation of fluid through a porous medium is of high interest in understanding the effects of material porosity and permeability in heat, mass, and moisture transport in real-life situations such as percolation of water to the underground water table, contaminant transport in aquifers, chromatography separations, etc., where the natural porous media govern a plethora of interacting and dynamic processes and as such a better understanding of pore scale transport phenomena has become necessary [3]. The numerical modeling of fluid transport through a natural porous media using commercial software, COMSOL Multiphysics, to emulate these natural processes is used for assisting engineers and researchers in comprehending the ill effects of these natural processes, if any, and at the same time replicating these natural processes artificially in places where similar end effects are required. With a proper understanding of the fluid flow in these porous media, efficient systems can be designed keeping in mind the recent energy crisis and the need for sustainable development.