2011-11-14 Faculty Senate meeting

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Faculty Senate
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Shared governance document
Wichita State University , Faculty Senate , Shared governance , Meeting Agenda , Meeting minutes
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Faculty Senate. Agenda and minutes of the meeting of November 14, 2011. -- Faculty Senate Meetings, 2011-2012, v.25
Table of Contents
Agenda: (Informal statements and proposals) -- (President’s report) -- (Committee reports): a. Rules Committee / Silvia Caruthers -- (Old business): a. Proposed Changes to Section 4.13 of Policies and Procedures in order to conform to KBOR Policies and Procedures -- b. Hire-a-Shocker -- (New business): a. University IT Strategic Planning Committee / Silvia Caruthers -- b. Section 4.14 of Policies and Procedures -- (As may arise)
Attachments: Section 4.14 of Policies and Procedures -- Section 4.13 of Policies and Procedures
Minutes: Summary of action: 1. Accepted Committee Appointments and New Senators (see Committee reports) -- 2. Accepted and forwarded to Career Services the following: "The Senate requests that Carrier Services send an email to all faculty, asking them to opt-in to the Hire-a-Shocker mailing list, with the understanding that whomever opts-in can opt-out any time later" -- (Informal statements and proposals): Requested the Senate pause for a moment of silence in respect for Les Anderson / Senator Close -- (President's report): 1. Kansas Board of Regents -- 2. General Education worksheets distributed to academic departments have been returned -- 3. Scholarly and Professional Integrity training for Graduate Students -- 4. Faculty involvement in commencement -- 5. Status of the Faculty Senate Committees -- a. Planning and Budget Committee is working with the provost to develop the procedure for evaluating the facilities planning proposals submitted by the colleges of the University -- b. Academic Affairs Committee to address: double counting of credit hours for dual majors, policies for granting a grade of incomplete, grade replacement policies, and requirements for WSU hours in the major -- c. General Education Committee is examining the policy and practice of general education courses being used in the major and the creation of a pilot program of assessing critical thinking -- d. Faculty Affairs Committee is going to reconsider the Research Faculty issue -- (Committee reports): A. Rules: Vacancies and nominations / Senator Caruthers -- (Old business): 1. Proposed changes to Section 4.13 Policies and Procedures (3rd reading) -- 2. Hire-a-Shocker -- (New business): 1. Report on activities of the University IT Strategic Planning Committee / Senator Caruthers -- (As may arise): 1. Extraneous wording in the University Policies and Procedures Section 2.15 corrected by the Senate in a previous meeting remained in the revised version of the document -- 2. Question regarding University was no longer publishing a telephone directory
Wichita State University
Book Title
Wichita State University Faculty Senate Archives
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