Measurement of charged pion production yields off the NuMI target

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Paley, Jonathan
Messier, M. D.
Raja, R.
Akgun, U.
Asner, D. M.
Aydin, G.
Baker, W.
Barnes, P. D. Jr
Bergfeld, T.
Beverly, L.
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Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Paley, J. M.; Messier, M. D.; Raja, R.; Akgun, U.; Asner, D. M.; Aydin, G.; Baker, W.; Barnes, P. D., Jr.; Bergfeld, T.; Beverly, L.; Bhatnagar, V.; Choudhary, B.; Dukes, E. C.; Duru, F.; Feldman, G. J.; Godley, A.; Graf, N.; Gronberg, J.; Gulmez, E.; Gunaydin, Y. O.; Gustafson, H. R.; Hartouni, E. P.; Hanlet, P.; Heffner, M.; Kaplan, D. M.; Kamaev, O.; Klay, J.; Kumar, A.; Lange, D. J.; Lebedev, A.; Ling, J.; Longo, M. J.; Lu, L. C.; Materniak, C.; Mahajan, S.; Meyer, H.; Miller, D. E.; Mishra, S. R.; Nelson, K.; Nigmanov, T.; Norman, A.; Onel, Y.; Penzo, A.; Peterson, R. J.; Rajaram, D.; Ratnikov, D.; Rosenfeld, C.; Rubin, H.; Seun, S.; Singh, A.; Solomey, Nickolas; Soltz, R. A.; Torun, Y.; Wilson, K.; Wright, D. M.; Wu, Q. K. 2014. Measurement of charged pion production yields off the NuMI target. Physical Review D., vol. 90:no. 3:article no. 032001

The fixed-target Main Injector Particle Production (MIPP) experiment, Fermilab E907, was designed to measure the production of hadrons from the collisions of hadrons of momenta ranging from 5 to 120 GeV/c on a variety of nuclei. These data will generally improve the simulation of particle detectors and predictions of particle beam fluxes at accelerators. The spectrometer momentum resolution is between 3% and 4%, and particle identification is performed for particles ranging between 0.3 and 80 GeV/c using , time-of-flight and Cherenkov radiation measurements. MIPP collected events of 120 GeV Main Injector protons striking a target used in the NuMI facility at Fermilab. The data have been analyzed and we present here charged pion yields per proton-on-target determined in bins of longitudinal and transverse momentum between 0.5 and 80 GeV/c, with combined statistical and systematic relative uncertainties between 5 and 10%.

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American Physical Society
Book Title
Physical Review D;v.90:no.3
PubMed ID