2007-02-12 Faculty Senate meeting
Faculty Senate
Issue Date
Shared governance document
Wichita State University , Faculty Senate , Shared governance , Meeting Agenda , Meeting minutes
Faculty Senate. Agenda and minutes of the meeting of February 12, 2007. -- Faculty Senate Meetings, 2006-2007, v.20
Table of Contents
Agenda: (Informal statements and proposals) -- (President's report): A. Board of Regents meeting - January 2007: 1. Deferred Maintenance: Governor's Plan and KBOR reaction -- B. Chronic Low Performance Proposed Policy update -- C. Dean Evaluations update -- D. Higher Learning Commission update -- (Committee reports): A. Rules / Silvia Carruthers -- B. Library: Resolution from the Committee / Silvia Carruthers -- (Old business): A. Parking update / Ramona Liera-Schwichtenberg -- B. Sporting events passes update / Larry Spurgeon -- C. F/X and +/- grading / Larry Spurgeon -- (New business): A. Computer Security Task Force report / Ravi Pendse -- B. WSU's new website / Barth Hague -- C. Nutrition in the cafeteria / David Casida
Attachments: Proposed Resolution from the Faculty Senate Library Committee 2-07 -- Resolution from the Library Committee - 2007 -- Wichita State University website
Minutes: Summary of action: 1. Accepted the nomination of Betty Monroe, Fine Arts (1 yr), and Debbie Gordon, Humanities, (2yr) as Senators -- (Informal statements and proposals): Welcomed the Senators back for the Spring semester and asked for introductions / President Roussel -- (President's report): a. Issue of deferred maintenance at KBOR campuses -- b. Chronic Low Performance Policy -- c. Evaluations of Academic Deans -- d. Higher Learning Commission (HLC) -- (Committee reports): a. Rules -- b. Library Committee: Requested that the Senate ratify its continuing support for the October 2004 Resolution -- c. Faculty Affairs: i. The need for Spring Semester Commencement to occur after Finals -- ii. Tuition Assistance Program -- iii. The issue of visiting the Electorate -- iv. Status of temporary faculty -- v. Study the committee members of the Tenure & Promotion Committee to be sure they are doing their 2-year terms -- (Old business): a. Parking Report and student parking in faculty lots / Senator Liera-Schwichtenberg -- b. Sports Events Passes / Senator Spurgeon -- c. "X/F" grading -- d. Plus or minus grading to be investigated by Academic Affairs -- (New business): a. Computer Security at WSU / Associate Vice President Pendse -- b. Report on changes made to the WSU public website / Associate Vice President Hague -- c. Overview of dining options on campus -- David Casida
Attachments: Proposed Resolution from the Faculty Senate Library Committee 2-07 -- Resolution from the Library Committee - 2007 -- Wichita State University website
Minutes: Summary of action: 1. Accepted the nomination of Betty Monroe, Fine Arts (1 yr), and Debbie Gordon, Humanities, (2yr) as Senators -- (Informal statements and proposals): Welcomed the Senators back for the Spring semester and asked for introductions / President Roussel -- (President's report): a. Issue of deferred maintenance at KBOR campuses -- b. Chronic Low Performance Policy -- c. Evaluations of Academic Deans -- d. Higher Learning Commission (HLC) -- (Committee reports): a. Rules -- b. Library Committee: Requested that the Senate ratify its continuing support for the October 2004 Resolution -- c. Faculty Affairs: i. The need for Spring Semester Commencement to occur after Finals -- ii. Tuition Assistance Program -- iii. The issue of visiting the Electorate -- iv. Status of temporary faculty -- v. Study the committee members of the Tenure & Promotion Committee to be sure they are doing their 2-year terms -- (Old business): a. Parking Report and student parking in faculty lots / Senator Liera-Schwichtenberg -- b. Sports Events Passes / Senator Spurgeon -- c. "X/F" grading -- d. Plus or minus grading to be investigated by Academic Affairs -- (New business): a. Computer Security at WSU / Associate Vice President Pendse -- b. Report on changes made to the WSU public website / Associate Vice President Hague -- c. Overview of dining options on campus -- David Casida
Wichita State University
Book Title
Wichita State University Faculty Senate Archives