The Sunflower, v.56, no.28 (May 3, 1951)

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Committee for Human Rights
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.56, no.28, Wichita, Kansas, May 3, 1951 -8 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Council election to be May 18 -- McCarthy talks at art exhibit -- Parents discuss home problems -- Senior meeting to be Friday -- Professors talk at youth meeting -- Paper, yearbook positions open -- Dunson receives new appointment -- Seminar Room is presented to psychologists by Howse -- Dance tickets to sell Friday -- Five will give psychology talks -- O'Neale chosen pep leader -- Schedule of final examinations is announced by Registrar -- Carrousel ready for publication -- Political science classes studied -- Decker directs music festival -- Delta Epsilon initiates 21 -- Group to hold promotion party -- Alpha Tau Sigma sorority to entertain dads Sunday -- Lamb is president of recreation group -- Club corner: Newman Club to hold picnic at Lake Afton -- Round about the campus / Dorothy Ludiker -- University couples announce nuptials, plans for 6 early summer weddings -- Estes Camp to be June 7 -- Women graduates given silver spoons -- Clark conducts tour through art building -- U of W dancers present recital -- U of W to hail employees here -- Fiske Hall once occupied by 'rah rah boys and ladykillers' / Virginia Stafford -- Poor reading, broken homes cause most student failures -- Pitt will offer retail training -- Fliers invited to air meet -- Sales, advertising classes in increase -- California U offers 2 marriage courses -- Washburn bridge team takes first in national intercollegiate tourney -- College installs new expansion -- Ask and learn -- Clipped by a Barber / Bob Barber -- Dr. Savaiano elected -- Band plans concerts at Haven, Halstead -- Art students to hear Kuna -- Air explorer scouts to train on campus -- Michigan frats oust restriction -- Corbin will discuss next year's budget -- Jabara to attend accountants' meet -- Cooke judges exhibit of high school art -- Linksmen face Tulsa tomorrow -- Tentative cage slate released -- Tennis matches are completed -- 'Green Ganders' fate facing life or death -- DO-unaffiliates tie WRA bowling league -- Thinclads to go to track meet -- Sports roundup / Clifford Kraus -- Shockers play weekend tilts -- WRA lists 4 spring events -- Final softball game to be played today -- Miller meets new charges; Plans short spring practice -- Phi Sig's lead softball league -- Human Rights Club, new organization, tackles discrimination, other problems -- Plans for residence halls being processed -- 2 professors exhibit works in art show -- Professor attends Fine Arts Festival -- First grid tilt here September 22 -- Rydjord will speak before association -- Red literature brings comment -- Council asks mail clearance
Photograph(s): Spare the rod: Shown discussing their part in the new series of radio programs on KAKE addressing child behavior are (left to right): Mrs. Hazel Lash, Ralph Metzger, Elsa Lee Salter, Mrs. Thomas Peddie, Dr. David T. Herman, Mrs. Myron Berguist. Mrs. Dale Gordon and Mrs. Marvin Hader. p. 1 -- Pictured around a May-pole are (right to left): Mary Ellen Love, Charlene Stanley, Colleen Kelly, Marilyn Chamberlain, Carini King, Jacquie Shipley, Barbara Logan and Connie Barlow. p. 1 -- Open house for high school girls: Members of the promotion committee are (left to right, seated) Jeanie Ponds and Maryann Reed. Standing are Joanne Sullivan, Maurine Ramsey, Gerry Hunter, Bea Bowman and Pat Edwards. p. 2 -- Talking basketball: Paul Scheer, W. L. "Dub" Qualls, Coach Ralph Miller, John Friedersdorf, and Gary Thompson. p. 7
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.56 no.28
PubMed ID